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That is best defined by how it differs from contrails. Chemtrails are perpendicular lines of clouds presumably extending from an aircraft. A contrail is noted by how quickly they disperse into the atmosphere because they are just water vapor. That is how chemtrails differ. Lines if cloud extend from the moment the source appears on the horizon, until it disappears from the horizon. The second attribute of chemtrails is that they persist in the sky for a greater duration than what is exhibited by contrails. There has been reports of a myriad of photos showing the difference between contrails & chemtrails, let alone videos showing them over time.

This is written in an effort to help correct the internet's ignorance on chemtrials. Even academics at universities appear easily confused on the difference between contrails & chemtrails. One academic wrote a report claiming they were only a conspiracy theory, which inspired a full minute of laughter.

There are a lot of chemtrails in the sky today.

by Witkh13 September 12, 2023

Chemtrail day

Introduced to describe the new normal that is chemtrails obscuring blue skies and normal cloud types.

Lovey day yesterday Jean, bit windy but nice.

Dave walked out of the bedroom and went to bog for a waz, "fuck me...." said Dave as he predominantly hit the target whilst looking up out of the window at the weather.

What's up said Jean.

It's Fucking a chemtrail day, said Dave, skies laced with Jet Engine chemtrails.

by Demo2020cracy September 8, 2023