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Renault clio driver

Dickheads who crash before they even pass their driving test and destroy their Nans house.

person 1: Did he just hit his Nans wall?
person2: Of course, hes a renault clio driver

by jaytheviper099 January 13, 2020

La Luciana Clio

women, the inspiration of creativity.

La Luciana Clio, a real revolution.

by Khadijah147 September 23, 2021

clio michigan

A state small in Michigan that is close to Saginaw and Flint

Hey are we going down to Clio Michigan

by @Claire_folcik This my tictok October 30, 2020

Clio RushBrook

She is a kind and caring when u get to know her she is verry sweet

You know Clio RushBrook dude ur lucky

by Hope4890 December 15, 2021


A car that every 17 years old in the UK wants to insure. Because they can't afford a Fiesta, but also do not want the shitty Peugeot.

Den: Mate! I got the new flippin' Clio, 898cc turbo. 90 Horsepower. It does 0-60 in 15 seconds but I bet after I put a few blinding mod on that beast, it will be faster than your dad eh!
Dave: You are a sad fuck

by Ariana Del Lipa Panic at Twent June 13, 2017