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cluster fuck

1) An term to describe the use of a large number of people to accomplish a task. The outcome can be negatively affected when too many personnel are applied.

2) A military or online-gaming term for a military screw-up. Usually due to incompetent commanders... often results in friendly fire. Possibly an indication that two many soldiers were needlessly deployed in a small area.

programmer #1: there's like 20 people working on that bug.
programmer #2: uh, I think it'll be a total clusterfuck

soldier #1: awe fuck, I just shot Bobby
soldier #2: we're shooting at our own guys, this is a total clusterfuck!

by Leigh July 20, 2004

458๐Ÿ‘ 267๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. When a large group of people are standing around, with no idea of what they're doing, that always seem to get in your way.

2. When it sems like every driver on the road or in the same parking lot as you has completely lost their minds & are totally stupid.

3. Total & complete chaos.

"What is this guy doing?!? Did he really just stop in the middle of the road to take a PHONE CALL!!!!"
"What a cluster-fuck."

"Of course this whole family of people would stop right in the middle of the sidewalk for no apparent reason, so that the only way i can get by is to walk in front of traffic!!!"

by koi_fish23 May 5, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

cluster fuck

A derogatory term used to describe a system or operation that has been totally hosed up by a group of managers who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Better back up that estimate, there's a cluster fuck where the Planning Department used to be.

by Concerned Citizen #6942 February 16, 2002

354๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž

cluster fuck

Military in origin, but often used in paramilitary organizations like cadets. Used to describe a situation that has gone horrendously wrong. Almost always involves a large group of people that are disorganized: where the leader has failed.
(Can often refer to a performance by a group of people; drill performance, play, skit that fails to entertain)

J: "OMG... that unit has the worst drill I've ever seen..."
K: "It's like a huge cluster fuck!"

by RedLead March 1, 2006

84๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cluster Fuck

Term that is military in origin, and used to refer to officers in associated positions of power and resulting decisions that resulted in: poor decision making, emotional reactivity, increased number of casualties, and an overall sense of distrust in poorly-qualified leadership.

Currently used in popular culture to describe any situation in which: extrememly poor decisions are made for the purpose of very tired and predictable personal gain, without consideration for how decisons impact others, and an overall sense of intimidation due to lack of competence and personal responsibility by the aggresor.

Rob: "May I have permission to take a piss? Oh, and by the way, everyone is questioning your authority."

Lizzie: "No, you need to hold it for another 43 minutes and I don't care who does what. I've already thrown everyone under the bus, let's sit back and watch it unfold. I created this cluster fuck."

by DoAsISay111 September 15, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

cluster fuck

Also: Fuster Cluck
Term used to describe the state of affairs resulting from too many staffers and not enough TRAINED staffers on a project. This usually happens as a result of a rush or deadline which cannot be met, when managers or planners resort to simply adding warm bodies to the effort out of sheer desperation or incompetence. Also results from having a surplus of supervisors or other overhead-related personnel who cannot actually perform any useful work towards project goals, especially where the prescence or contributions of these people hinders work performed by others.

"Man, we were 8 days behind schedule on that project so my manager decided to send us all of his interns as well as show up himself. Turned it into a complete clusterfuck. There must have been 20 guys in one cube at once."

by Nathan March 5, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

cluster fuck

When a series of events collide to create a huge predicament.

"The rescue teams' helicopter crashed while trying to rescue the survivors, turning the once huge problem into a clusterfuck."

by Heraf May 1, 2003

51๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž