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A type of guitar amplification which the power amp and pre-amp section is housed inside one box with the speaker(s), usually on the top.

The Mesa/Boogie Road King combo is the best I ever played.

by Yngwie Malmsteen June 30, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A series of sex postions given by the dude that will give a girl a mutible orgasume.

Oh yeah I gave her a Combo last night.

by sub-0 February 20, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

THE combo

A type of tactic that native Corpus Christians use in order to get from Portland (or North Beach) back to Corpus Christi or Ocean Drive.

Did you use THE combo while coming back from Fajitaville on North Beach?

by ur.mom.from.cc November 11, 2021

the combo

a total pleasure session with a blow job combined with a hand job - keeps everyone happy...mostly the chick i think. i personally spend more time on the hand job. :)

Boy - "How about a sloppy bj tonight?"
Girl - "How about the combo to satisfy you, you huge stud?"

by wildwit July 30, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An assortment of items in the game Fortnite containing one or more weapons and one or more consumables. Combos are only useful in Creative as they rely on said consumables being infinite. The original Combo (used by the Youtuber Ssundee) consisted of a golden pump shotgun for close range combat, a golden hand cannon for sniping unsuspecting foes and extra damage while the pump is readying its next shot, infinite shockwave grenades for incredible mobility, and infinite boogie bombs to disable opponents, making them easy prey for the pump. The combo also sometimes included spike traps and/or a variable item (such as a healing consumable).

Guy: Dude, Ssundee is using that toxic combo again.

Dude: The Shockwave/Boogie one?
Guy: Yeah LOL, his opponents have no idea what to do.

by Juni R. February 26, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Combos is a food for severely obese, and or drug addict. Don't be fooled by the different flavors of combos because in the end, they all taste like horse shit. Side effects of digesting Combos could include the following: Obesety, heart failure, all forms of cancer, abnormal growths on your ass, intense multiple personalities, the effect of feeling your on LSD everytime you eat them. Parents should be warned that feeding this devilish snack to your children could cause mutations in their genes and cause them to be interested in the same sex. in rare cases, subjects have been mutated into hermaphrodites. Less common side effects include uncontrolled hair growths on their pubical area, high intrest in porn, mastrubation at least 7 times a day, and/or pedophilism. Please note that eating this snack that is claimed to be "made with real cheese" could cause you to commit suicide. One or more of these side effects are common with anyone who eats them. be warned.

"Today i just ate combos and discovered that i have an abnormal growth on my ass"

by Crunchy Oven October 18, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Using a Plasma Pistol and a Battle Rifle on Halo 2. First the Plasma Pistol shoots a charged shot to completely remove an overshield, then a quick burst to the head with the Battle Rifle to finish your opponent. The Covenant Carbine can also be used as a substitute for the Battle Rifle.

"Watch yourself, that newb is using the combo."

by NooKa July 8, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž