Any typed message in the scroll down console screen for any fps game that warrants a response of some sort from the game.
These commands can also be binded to the keyboard for ease of use and speed so as to not type the command again in console.
Counter-Strike: Commands at work
Round 1
-T rushes-
-T sees Ct at spawn-
-T shoots at Ct-
-Player of Ct press k bound to "kill"-
-Ct dies immediately-
T: wtf
Round 2
-T rushes spawn-
-T shoots at Ct-
-Player of Ct press k again-
-Ct dies immediately-
T: omfg
Round 3
-T buys awp-
-Player of Ct press k again-
-Ct dies immediately-
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superior to commander, however often overshadowed by commander commander commander.
"I am the commander here"
"Oh really? I'm the commander commander!"
"Sorry for disrespecting you, commander commander."
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Military Officer not having or showing the necessary skills to do their job successfully, yet promoted to rank of Commandant.
synonyms: inept, unskilled, amateurish, unprofessional, lacking ability, bungling, blundering, bag of ham, clumsy, inadequate, substandard, inferior, ineffective, deficient, inefficient, ineffectual, no good, not good enough, wanting, lacking, leaving much to be desired; incapable, unfit, unsuitable, unqualified, pathetic, cack-handed, ham-fisted, not up to it, a dead loss, not up to scratch, not know one's arse from one's elbow, couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
If you keep breathing, you too will eventually become In-Commandant. Keep breathing!
When you are getting a lap dance from a meth-faced stripper and blow a load in your pants.
"Sean was just getting a lap dance from that hillbilly stripper and just commanded in his pants!"
"Wow! That wass so awesome I may just command!"
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to be designed and developed
This website was commandeered by Clip Creative.
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Commander Lexa is the commander of my heart
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A commanding officer, usually in the military, with outstanding eyebrows.
Commander Erwin's eyebrows are on fleek today. No wonder people call him Commander Eyebrows.