A person who receives multiple comments on facebook.
My secretary just got 32 comments on her facebook post. Wow is she commentable.
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A persons positive output on a certain creation.
Do you have a comment towards this piece of art?
Person: I love the creativity and visual appearance.
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A consept of a computer language called Javascript and other computer languages.
there are two different types of comments in Javascript:
Single line comments wich begin with a double dash (//)
double line comments wich begin with /* and end with */ as a closing.
p.s. computers rock!
you forgot the comments in the script! fregin retard!
46đź‘Ť 53đź‘Ž
Something urban dictionary get rid of (rip)
a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction.
Also a thing on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, FaceBook, ETC.
Oh look I got a lot of UpVotes on my comment’s in 2021
When a Black Man has a comment who would truly like to speak on wether he’s right or wrong but it’s his true opinion but fears the backlash of other People he says “No Comment!!!” Can’t speak freely
To avoid all the hate and backlash “NO Comment!!!” Reversal to say FU also lol
When you get tagged in a video on social media and then feel obligated to watch it.
I really should be studying but I've already got so many commentments.
A guy who has no life and comments almost everywhere godamn place possible. They use unfunny jokes or sometimes they are funny, but they don’t even realize it. They can become pretty popular. Lots are on YouTube while some are on other apps/websites.
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