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During a gay 69 “also called an eleven”, the guy on the top is corking the guy on bottom’s mouth.

“The property brothers, season 3, episode 2, displayed a new granite countertop in the kitchen and subsequently proceeded to allow Drew to start corking a splayed Johnathon.

“He yelled, there ain’t no give in this granite”’

by Notthepropbros June 12, 2022

5👍 2👎


The act of holding your bowels inside for as long as possible, even days.

He's been corking for a week now, i'm sure he's toxic

by Trini Grasshopper February 28, 2008

71👍 47👎


When someone prevents a female from scoring.

Cindy: I didn't mean to cork you.
Lauren: Then why'd you bring up my ex in front of him?

by KingOfTheMountains December 21, 2009

58👍 42👎


A substitution for the word sex.

I'mma cork you in the butt, boooii!

by Dreggy April 27, 2009

48👍 34👎


To cork something or someone is to shut them up for good

I corked urban dictionary because for some reason none of my definitions never get posted.

by Superman22 April 3, 2004

74👍 63👎


Another word for shut up, or shut your damn mouth.

"Put a cork in it you dickhead!"

by Stevz October 5, 2006

25👍 20👎


When the side of the femur or thigh is striked with the blow by the knee by another person. Is very painful and can last for up to 2 days. Can also leave bruise marks.

Shane walks down the road. His friend Sam sneaks up from behind him and knees him in the side of the thigh.
"Omg..that hurt man! My leg!"
"lol..corked bro."

by Darren Vongs June 23, 2006

63👍 64👎