It is a political-philosophical thought based on the idea of a corporatist state.
It is a State model to replace the Liberal-Democratic State, the Free Market, Globalization, Capitalism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism and Fascism. In it, there is no liberal individualism, fascist totalitarianism, nor socialist-communist collectivism. The state intervenes to appease class struggle and the greed for money when corporations cannot. Other corporations are given freedom of operation as long as they do not threaten to subvert the state order. Its principle is aristocratic (suum cuique), anti-democratic and anti-liberal. As in a body, it is composed of head, torso and limbs. The head is made up of the sovereign aristocrat, the trunk by the local aristocrats, and the members are the people. If the sovereign aristocrat becomes a tyrant, the council of local aristocrats can remove him to ensure discipline and order.
Do not confuse national corporatism with fascist totalitarian corporatism
A form of Authoritarian Communism where the Communist State conducts economic affairs via State run corporations instead of State run factories
John: "China is a form of Communist Corporatism"
Diametrically opposed to liberal laissez-faire and Marxist central planning; provides balance in labor relations, consequently combating the precariousness of work (proletarianization) as well as the unbridled accumulation of capital and usury. It is a spiritual organization of production and consumption that is qualitative rather than quantitative. Therefore, aristocratic hierarchies dismantle bourgeois plutocracies.
True corporatism is the organic basis of common interests.
Not to be confused with corporatocracy, which is rule by multinational corporations (what we live in). Corporatism comes from the Greek 'corpus', meaning body. It is the mode of economics used by Fascist Italy, and is shared by many Third Positionists and Fascists alike. Its end goal is a harmonious relationship between employer and employee where both work for the good of the nation rather than for themselves, with the State forming as an intermediary to ensure cooperation.
Phil: "I support corporatism."
Dave: "So you support Disney running the government? Weird."
Phil: "No, I mean I support class collaboration and the organization of society into guilds which cooperate with their employers, using the state as an intermediary."
You have two cows. You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows, and then act surprised when it drops dead right in front of you
Smackhead Steve: Hey! My cow just died. I don't know why. It was perfectly healthy.
Dickhead Daniel: The one you forced to produce the milk of four cows?...
Smackhead Steve: Yeah, that one, after I sold the other. It just dropped dead right in front of me.
Dickhead Daniel: Isn't that called corporatism?
Smackhead Steve: Yeah, is that what it's called? Hm, must be.
Dickhead Daniel: Yeah, it's corporatism. Just don't act surprised that your cow died.
Smackhead Steve: Ehhhhhh nah, too late mate. I'm as surprised as...
Dickhead Daniel: As a squashed shallot?
Modern Mickey Mouse. Corporate Rat.
The public domain version of Mickey Mouse from Steamboat Willie is much better than that Corporat.
In the space game Star Citizen players can create their own organizations (guilds). One of the biggest and oldest player run organizations is "the Corporation". Members of that organization are called corporateers.
Ben: New corporateer reporting for duty.
Weyland: Welcome to the Corporation! :-)