Someone who often cringes or cowers away. Probably someone who has been hurt, or fears being hurt, and avoids most risky behavior because of it. Meek, Timid, or Wimpish.
Not to be confused with someone who indulges in the entertainment of awkward people who are either unaware, or painfully aware of their embarassing behavior.
Billy was often scolded by his dad for being an absolute dipshit. This stinky cringer led a life of hopeless ambition, succeeding at nothing, and living meager. I hate him.
Someone that will sing in general. thats it.
Biglad445: Ahhh Oohhh
Mod: Shut up cringer l plus banned plus vitamin d
A cringe ginger. The worst possible combination of attributes. Especially bad if they have long orange hair.
Who's that kid right there?
Oh, thats Carter, but he's a cringer so don't talk to him
Gay Dude 1: UH~~ Aough maiy gAUD, *faint uh~*. Tiktok is like sO aMAIzng. Uh~
Gay Dude 2: I Kneow rAIGHt~ UUH~.
Straight Cultured Chad Man: Cringers. *glance*...
Crowd of Women: *die*
A horror movie genre that is dedicated to cringy and disturbing material such as body horror, dismemberment and other squicky footage.
That was the most disturbing and horrifying cringer film I've ever seen.