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Crock pot

The act of putting a man’s balls inside of the vagina and just letting them soak for a bit.

Person 1: “Hey man, what’s your favorite position when having sex?”
Person 2: “Eh, I don’t really like sex per se. I prefer to just do a Crock Pot

by kpat890 June 14, 2019

15👍 14👎

crock pot

A crock pot is releasing a loose stool while bathing with another person.

How many times have you been in a bathtub or a jacuzzi with a girl after having a few drinks and you have to take a massive shit? Do your business, get out of the tub and yell CROCK POT BITCH!
Can anyone say beef stew?!

by frankieeee September 23, 2006

12👍 16👎

crock pot

To fart into a sheet and then toss it on the face of the one next to you.

Her snoring was pissing me off, so i crock potted her.

by jfxj67 August 5, 2010

8👍 10👎

Crock pot

A hot or desirable female ass, preferably on the big or voluptuous side

"I wanna get all up in that crock pot..."

by B&C February 28, 2022

2👍 1👎

Crock pot

Farting in a hot shower, the smell rises until the water stream pulls it with the water to the bottom of the shower, where the steam pulls it up to your nose. The running shower repeats the process creating a crock pot effect

Man I crock potted my self in the shower this morning!

by sgtdobi February 7, 2010

7👍 9👎

crock pot

a woman who is a "slow cooker," has to process "stew" her anger over a long period of time before she will express it to her mate

Bob: Why the long face, Herman?
Herman: My wife's a crock pot.
Bob: She found out you blew the tax return on your new Harley, huh?
Herman: Yep, now I've got to wait three days before I hear, "We've got to talk."
Bob: Yowza! Hey, since you've got three days, let's go to Vegas.

by tanxenchou May 8, 2011

3👍 5👎

Crock pot

when a girls pussy is so hot your dick feels like it is on fire.

i fucked my girl last night and she had a crock pot

by giggle_dust1_ February 15, 2018

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