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on the crucial

What one says when trying to stress the truthfulness of his/her statement. It can more or less replace seriously, definitely, or mos def.

There's no way you got tickets to that show last night. Come on now...

No, I did. On the crucial.

by llave89 July 11, 2008


criticality but with some crucial element thrown in to make it sound more important. first coined in emails by Scooter in Indonesia in 2005

don't underestimate the cruciality of getting this right!

by indoScoot December 25, 2006

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1. i dont think rhodsie or casey has alot of crucialness they are just homo's

2. gettin down wit yo bad self

Mitchell, Casey, and Gabe flow with crucialness at the football games

by Mitchie-2-Itchie April 27, 2004

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something cool or terrible enough to evoke screams and mass hysteria.

That death was crucial.

by ura-kit February 6, 2003

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When something is mad wrong

Did you see that dude's bone sticking out of his knee when he fell off his board? Man, that's crucial!

by C&C Lovas December 11, 2008

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something that is to raw to comprehend...if it blows your mind..its crucial.

Ryan: Dude i didn't fail my test homey, i get to play in the game today!
Sam: Crucial!!! Get crunk on 'em doc.

by BIg Sam March 11, 2005

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The word crucial, is used to express, wut cannot be expressed in meer words. When you cannot put in to a known word or phrase the crunkness of what has just happend, you use the word crucial. About 2 years ago, the definition of this word was changed to the above, by my and my friend.

Ryan: I just got crunk on that guy!
Sam: Crucial!
Ryan: Fa sho!

by BIg Sam November 20, 2004

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