Source Code

crysis machine

A $3000 PC made just to run Crysis the graphically awesomest game ever.

My friend just got a Crysis machine and an HDTV with surround sound for more money than what you're worth, then forgot to get Crysis.

by azncompfreak January 28, 2008

23👍 5👎

Crysis rating

The rating a computer has for running the highly graphically intensive game, Crysis.

Drew:This computer is the world's most advanced computer!
Bill: The Crysis rating is medium, most likely.

by ZDG June 30, 2008

8👍 1👎

crysis rage

the most deafening sound that you can imagine. this happens very often in a typical crysis match, where one gets extremely frustrated and soon after explodes into a crysis rage. anyone within 10,000 km will die a painfull bloody death. a crysis rage is 10 times more powerful than a nuclear explosion. usually after the rage, rage spit covers the surounding area of the rager

what is that deafening sound?

just browny having another crysis rage


Crysis 3

The third entry in Crytek’s Crysis series, known for being extremely variable in terms of quality having the worst nosedive in quality ever seen during the second half of the game. This has made fans coin the nickname, “identity Crysis”. 6/10 stop playing once you see the big alien dude

Yo bro have you played Crysis 3?”
“Yeah, I stopped after the big alien dude, game got shitty after that”
“Bruh, good call

by Pig Bukkit November 18, 2020

Can it run Crysis?

a popular question asked on many PC hardware forums. When a person builds a computer he/she wants to know if it can run the most graphical advanced game of our time - Crysis. So a topic is made and the persons PC specs are posted for others to review.

Subject : Can it run Crysis?

Message Description: Hey ya'll. I recently built my dream computer with my newegg wishlist. I want to know it can run Crysis on MAX. Here are the specs:

insert PC specs here

by - LinkIsSpartan April 12, 2011

28👍 3👎


This super amazing singer who goes to PBA....
He is mostly known for singing "1234 Get Crazy 5678 loose control"

"Hey did you hear that awesome guy singing at Coffee House"
"Yeah, he sounded like the male version of Lady Gaga"
"I know it was CRYSYS

by mac'n'cheese January 25, 2010


! Crysis#6969 one of the best hacker and crackers in the world

A. Yo fam you know ! Crysis#6969
B. OFC fam ! Crysis#6969 Is one of the best

! Crysis#6969 Is The Best Hacker And Cracker

by ! Crysis#6969 June 18, 2022