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Cum-Cum Fruit

The Cum-Cum Fruit is a delicious, white, devil fruit whose power gives the one that consumes it the ultimate erotic pleasure. You not only get extremely horny after eating it. The user can go WEEKS without climaxing which creates the most euphoric orgasm you've ever felt. Non-stop sexual carnage that requires multiple partners and the most intense release. The one negative to the consumption of this sweet white fruit, is the longer you go and the larger the climax builds the more you "release". It can be a small little puddle to a gigantic tidal wave.

Koy, you never should have eaten the Cum-Cum Fruit! You've been going for WEEKS and you're going to destroy the whole village with your climax!

by Turbo123T3 February 19, 2024

Cum cum

White pee

Bro I cum cummed last night, it was crazy

by WaffleBoi111 January 21, 2022