Source Code

Cunt Nugget

Definition on Max Creekmore.

Max is a cunt nugget.

by I came up with it first. October 19, 2017

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Cunt Nugget

Something you call a person when you're playing around and like the word cunt.

Babe, quit being a cunt nugget or its the batman for you.

by scoobysdewbies December 20, 2016

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Cunt Nugget

This is a name used in reference to one who is being a douche or douche like. When someone resorts to calling another a Cunt Nugget, usually there is great provocation. This name can arise out of (1.) anger or (2.)humor.

(1.) "Why don't you fuck off...Cunt Nugget."

(1.) "god, she is such a Cunt Nugget."

(2.) " Your such a silly Cunt Nugget."

(2.) " I love you, Cunt Nugget."

by ยฉ Dukket May 7, 2009

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Cunt Nugget

The female version of dingle berries.

Dude is such a cunt nugget!

My, what big cunt nuggets you have!

by vbDevil :) July 10, 2013

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Cunt Nugget

a heady nugget that has been dipped in a festering cunt, therefore making it stink like a cunt

I just smoked the nastiest cunt nugget that my girlfriend put in my bag!

by mmmcuntnuggets October 14, 2004

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Cunt Nugget

1. Asshole who bitches too much

2. Idiotic bitch fucker

"You fucking cunt nugget!"

by Crapfuck April 2, 2004

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cunt nugget

a mixture of vaginal discharge, blood from a woman's period, and pubic hairs that have solidified.

Oh man, I found a cunt nugget while eating her out! I threw up right away!

by Lauren Dinks June 20, 2006

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