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cuppy pong

she is someone very interesting. she is two years old and gay. she can be extra gay for ava at times. ash named her cuppy pong since she sucks at cup pong!

ava: “cuppy pong smells
cuppy pong: “k”

by unknown 😱 March 27, 2021

1👍 4👎

Wint Cuppy

a lazy bitch.
someone afraid to complete a specific task.

Cako was being a Wint Cuppy.

by Johnny Champion/Tommy Tsunami June 22, 2011

Mud Cuppy

A chocolate mud cup cake.

Happy Birthday Louis! Would you like your mud cuppy before or after dinner?

She's gone bonkers because she ate too many mud cuppies.

I thought it was a mud cuppy, but it turned out to just be a cup of dirt.

by Phoebe Nix (Phoenix) September 8, 2008


when something is lame or figuratively speaking dead or very boring. COINED by lil jojo and artist YSE

nobody at that party, it’s cuppy”

by YSE July 7, 2022


when something is boring or lame. a term coined by artist YSE and lil jojo

bro nobody there dat party cuppy fr

by YSE July 7, 2022


A mixture of cat and a puppy

If you think of cat + puppy you are defined that it’s a cuppy

by Vale2022 October 27, 2022


The internet type, but not the good type.
Always self aware, and on point, sharp sence, and quick witted.
Normally has a fast temper and if tempted will blow up creating something catastrophic, mainly the destructive type but not physical destruction, only social.
The "cuppy" type mainly makes people look bad on the internet

And successfully ruins its targets in real life

Guy: yo don't mess with him he might be the one and only cuppy

Other Guy: right let me be quiet

by Corruptedsoul88 November 22, 2021