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Curling: the favorite past-time of a northern minnesotan/canadian physics professor's housewife.

push...sweep, sweep, sweep. Watch physics in action.

Let's go curling, I feel like sweeping the ice.

by Stephanie Hagen January 5, 2008

75πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


When someone tries to tell you off and you come up with a good comeback. burned Told

Person A: You are sooo ugly
Person B: Well I'm not as ugly as your momma
Audience: Oooo Curled!

by Dorothy (Kanapaha) January 30, 2007

39πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


1. Someone who is thoroughly convinced that he/she is a man (or pirate) or possesses male-like qualities, often to his/her mockery.
2. Someone who insults women on a daily basis.
3. "A fucking stud, usually brown haired and brown eyed. Wears argyle sweaters and never does anything wrong."
4. ^ A liar

"My testosterone levels are so high. I LOVE POWER TOOLS. I'M A PIRATE."

"Don't fool yourself, you're no Curl!"

by l o l im drowning May 9, 2010

41πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Like lawn bowling, except colder, lamer, more boring, and about 2000 dollars more expensive

I told my girlfriend that i liked curling, and that is why she left me

by Curlbacca May 7, 2006

91πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


when you’re drunk to the point of almost blacking out, most likely interacting with other substances (i.e. MDMA, cocaine, nicotine, marijuana)

Bro, I’m so ~curled~ !

by gwyneth&amelia August 17, 2019

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


In a pompous manner, either refuting what many think is common knowledge or stating an obscure fact that no one else would know to prove your point.

When someone says the Emancipation Proclomation freed the slaves, you respond with The Emancipation Proclomation did not free the slaves, the Union Army did. How does a peice of paper free anybody? (said pompously)

You have now curled this person.

by FESmitty October 20, 2009

24πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A teacher in North Carolina, around the Fayetteville area, that loves to fuck sheep. Can usually be found around farms at midnight.

"Hey, how come Curle is always sleeping in class?"
"That guy is out at night fucking sheep, cut him some slack"

by Beano April 14, 2004

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž