National suck your boyfriends dick day. A day to suck your boyfriend dry and give him head whenever he wants.
Bae its December 31st, suck my dick.
Eddie's birthday, the day of which Eddie was birthed, he likes the color yellow; It's always a lovely day on this date.
"Hey today is December 31st, it's Eddie's birthday." - person 1
"No way that's kinda pog." - person 2
It's the day the most cherished person in someone's life is born.
Person 1: "She was born December 31st?"
Person 2: "Yea"
Person 1: "You better cherish her then."
National trip a short person day! Trip a short person whenever or wherever, up the stairs, down the stairs, walking, anywhere! They deserve it after what they put us tall people through >:)
Short person: Ow what the hell! Why’d you trip me up the stairs!
Tall person: It’s national trip a short person day :)
December 31st: A day to trip short people!
December 31st is a special date such as new years. The people who are born on December 31st are kind, caring , hot and most of the time beautiful. They are capricorns so they can be selfish if they're mad.
My birthday is on December 31st