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alpha Kappa Delta Phi

alpha Kappa Delta Phi was founded at the University of California, Berkeley in 1990; since then, it has grown to become the first and largest nationwide Asian-American interest sorority in the United States, with more than 2,000 sisters and 43 chapters (and growing!) from coast to coast.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi was founded upon the principles of sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian American awareness and with the intention of creating a strong support network for ALL women. We strive to uphold these values while maintaining a sense of individuality amongst our diverse group of women. Throughout the year, the sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi continually organize and participate in events in honor of these values. With a supportive network of sisters, each woman can strive to fulfill her personal, academic, and career goals.

i love being a sister of alpha Kappa Delta Phi

by asian babydoll September 28, 2006

539πŸ‘ 340πŸ‘Ž

alpha Kappa Delta Phi

The largest and fastest-growing Asian-interest sorority in the country, alpha Kappa Delta Phi was founded in 1989 at the University of California, Berkeley and today has 43 chapters and thousands of sisters from coast to coast. The purpose of the sorority is to promote sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian-awareness, and the national philanthropy is breast cancer awareness. It's commonly referred to as aKDPhi (or KDPhi for short).

The most beautiful and sexy Asian sorority girls you'll ever see are in alpha Kappa Delta Phi. You know a KDPhi has stepped into the room when the temperature rises and the jaws drop!

by #182 August 15, 2006

448πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Delta Phi Society

A literary society (fraternity) for kids who are witty as fuck, like to dance, and enjoy literature...or something. ADP kids are artistic, bursting with creativity, make the best of friends, wear awesome clothes, and have the best parties on campus. People think that the society is for hipster brats, but it is actually for kids far cooler than that.

I wish I could be cool and a member of the Alpha Delta Phi Society!

by 2cool2behipster December 13, 2008

46πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Delta Sigma Phi

A social fraternity founded in 1899 at the City College of New York.

It was founded under the principle that fraternities should not bar membership based on religion, and as such was the first fraternity to allow Christians and Jews to both be members.

It's symbols include the Sphinx, the lamp, the lute, the Gordian Knot, and the Egyptian Pyramids. Its flower is the white carnation, as it contains the fraternity's colors: white, nile green, and white.

This is the brotherhood, the greatest on Earth... Delta Sigma Phi, hey! Delta Sigma Phi, hey! Delta Sigma Phi, HEY!

by gt yitbos August 20, 2008

326πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


DELTA SIGMA PHI also known as DISCIPLINE STUDENT POWER was originally founded on the University of the East Recto campus, Manila by Atty. Miguel Viacrusis (Member of Crime Buster), a transferee from De La Salle University on August 7, 1968. They became known to Philippine College of Criminology on August 7, 1977. The Delta Sigma Phi is the fourth brother of MAGIC FIVE.



sulong mga M5 patayin ang mga BASURA!



We never die…but we multiply…

by DELTANS November 30, 2011

43πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Phi Delta Theta

One of the largest & oldest Fraternities with over 228,000 brothers. Phi Delta Theta (Ξ¦Ξ”Ξ˜) was founded in 1848. It has grown into one of the best known & active fraternities on most college campuses throughout America & Canada. Rivals are Sae, Ka & Sigmachi.

Phis gained a national reputation as spoiled party boys usually from WASPy familes who wear Brooks Brothers, the Pony & Gator, croakies, sunglasses around the neck at night, red polo pants, bowties, RedWings, GuyHarvey, Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren, Southern Proper, NorthFace, Fratagonia, Sperrys, RayBans, Rainbows & have Z-71Tahoes, BMWs, or Rovers. Notoriously Republican, Phis schedule their classes so they don’t have to go on Friday, usually hunt & acknowledge that earrings are for girls & bleach for laundry.

Phis usually are lax or polo stars, spend afternoons bumming around the cc, engage in pledge croquet, drive golf balls at random objects during charity tournaments & end up fighting their rivals at fundraisers. Phis date hot Sorostitutes (those ladies with their pearls on 24/7 that dress like a StepfordWife & aspire to be a good wife, a home mom, join the JuniorLeague, UDC & the DAR.)

Phis worship a famous member Burt Reynolds & as products of the upper crusts of American society are found escorting more than their fair share of debutantes. Phis take nothing from no one & usually give nothing back. They try to live up to their national rep. as "Bad boys from Good families."

They are the best & they know it.

Phis can be seen strutting campus in Sperry's, short shorts, Polo, NorthFace backpack & "Frat Swoop, or Frat Bangs" hairstyle, RayBan aviators & croakies from their summer camp or favorite sorority. ("Frat Bangs": when hair "swoops" down across the forehead & brushes up against that person's eyebrows. This requires a good deal of head bobbing making sure the bangs stay in place & the Phis are usually seen doing the "fratbang headpop" every few mins. This gesture makes them seem even more arrogant & snobbish than they already are.)

Phi#1: "Did you know there are more Phis in "Who's Who" than any other fraternity in the US?"
Phi#2: "Yes, but did YOU know that Tke was founded by Phi rejects?"
Phi#3: "I bet neither of you knew that the largest fraternity complex in the US is actually the FSU PHI house, not the Pike house."

Ex. Phi Delta Theta at UNC chartered a boat, & did some deepsea while bronzing & killed a cooler of ice cold beer.
Ex. The SMU Phis sipped on bourbon & coke at the game & mingled with ladies in their colored shorts, white oxford shirt, gameday tie & a sorority button on their chest.
Ex. The Phi Delts at Rollins had a CaddyShack party on the roof & drove balls at other fraternity houses.
Ex. The Vandy Phis were kicked off campus for beating pledges with golf clubs.
Ex. Ole Miss Phi Delt is known to be the best & snobbish elitist fraternity on campus; making them the frattiest fraternity at what is well known to be the frattiest school in the nation.

by GreekMan69 October 13, 2009

652πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Phi Delta

Alpha Phi Delta (ΑΦΔ), commonly referred to as APD, is a Greek social fraternity that evolved from an exclusive Italian society (Il Circolo Italiano) at Syracuse University in 1914. There were seven founding members who strove to create a brotherhood that would last long after their college days. Soon after founding, Alpha Phi Delta spread from Syracuse and became a National Fraternity. Alpha Phi Delta is traditionally an Italian-American heritage Fraternity; however, since September 2, 1965 it has welcomed young men of all racial backgrounds to join in its one of a kind brotherhood.

They are the Greek GODS of the Tristate area, and most likely the world.

sally: hey jen what are you doing tonight.

jen: OMG didnt you hear APD is having one of their crazy parties again.

sally: OMG!!! no way

jen: yeah!!! im totally sleeping with one tn.

sally: SLUT!!

jen: oh please like your not.


Joe: yo steve i wanna pledge a fraternity next semester what house has the best parties and hottest girls.

Steve: Alpha Phi Delta with out a doubt.

by 1914 May 3, 2011

85πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž