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political party in the U.S.A who beileves in looking after the welfare of the people in this country. they acheive this by raising taxes so they can fund programs that help other people.

what the fuck nigga! the democrats lost another election well if they cant help me i geuss im gonna start selling dope because a nigga like me aint down with being broke/fuck all this hood knowledge and politics im bringing the holowtips to make these republican rednecks wish for tommorow quik

by johnyhoff February 28, 2005

1170๐Ÿ‘ 1627๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who likes to feel your pain, (as opposed to Republican: one who likes to cause your pain.)

The typical Democrat is somewhat of a masochist, but all Republicans are Sadists and many are currently exibiting highly overblown levels of nationalism which can be reasonably compared with the behavior seen in the early years in Nazi Germany.

by Joe September 3, 2003

1205๐Ÿ‘ 3720๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the two largest political parties in the United States, Democrats are generally left-wing, supporting social reform, government regulation of the private sector, and seperation of church and state. Democrats prefer to rely on common sense and understanding of other cultures rather than blind patriotism and xenophobia.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the greatest democrats, known for his reform of fiscal policy towards americans in order to combat the great depression. John F Kennedy, despite having a questionable private life, was also a model democrat, averting nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis and paving the way for civil rights reform for african americans.

by commonsense sam February 12, 2012

1069๐Ÿ‘ 14332๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Democrat is usually a liberal thinker who believes in progressive action.

Democrats realize that you cannot go back to the 1950s because the world has undergone change that cannot be rolled back. We have a larger population and we live at a faster pace due to technological advances. Liberal means keeping an open mind and being ready to adapt to change. In a changing world this is crucial to survival. Progressive action is adaptive action based on where we are today and where we can expect to be tomorrow.

Small government sounds good, but as populations increase, government is needed to maintain a balance between liberty and justice for all members of society. Government must be just large enough and strong enough to be up to the task of maintaining order while keeping the values and freedoms we have traditionally exhibited as a nation.

Where many Republicans want to turn the clock back to a time when things were simplier, more cut and dried, Democrats do not believe this is possible. Our world is more complex than ever and change is happening at a near exponential rate.

Democrats believe in strong national securityand are staunchly patriotic. A Democrat believes it is necessary to defend America from both external evil and internal corruption. Keeping America on the straight and narrow is an important part of keeping America safe. Democrats understand and accept the responsibility of keeping our country as honorable as it is strong.

Democrats are maligned as tax-and-spend liberals because Democrats voted for tax breaks for low income people, credits for child care and founded many of the social and educational programs we have today. Horror stories of welfare abuse are used to make people think that social programs are bad. But seriously, abuses are going to happen in any system or program because there are always going to be criminals who lie, cheat and steal. This happens at all levels of society, not just among welfare moms. Look at those Enron millionairs who cheated thousands of hard-working people out of their pensions.

Democrats, contrary to popular belief, balance budgets and believe in fair tax structures that do not squeeze the middle class out of existence.

Democrats believe in science and listen to experts. Democrats believe that religion and science can co-exist. Many Democrats are religious people who believe that cherishing and protecting the earth that God created is a sacred charge.

Democrats love America and they love our world. Democrats are fighting and dying in Iraq and Democrats are fighting at home to end the war. Democrats believe war is sometimes necessary but that the Iraq War and current occupation have made us less safe and have strained our proud military to the breaking point. Most military experts agree.

If you want to know what a Democrat really believes, read the platform of the Democratic Party. Watch C-Span and see who is actually voting for what. It is very eye-opening to see Democrats propose legislation that will aid military families and veterans and then watch nearly every Republican Congressman and Senator vote against it.

Watch and listen and learn. Don't close your mind and start believing the hype you hear from the hate-mongers. Learn about Democrats and about democracy.

Above all, Democrats want people to be free to disagree and to hash out their differences. Democrats want people to learn and discuss and come together in the best interests of all concerned. People working things out together is what democracy is all about.

He's studied both sides of the issues that our country is facing and has decided to register as a Democrat because he feels that the Democratic Party best represents the interests ouf America.

I am a proud Democrat.

by Doctor Watson June 9, 2007

1143๐Ÿ‘ 1788๐Ÿ‘Ž


An American citizen who actually cares about other people. Likes to actually use logic to solve problems, other than the common Republican slogan, "If they don't agree.. Bomb 'em!" Often called "Communist", "Nazi", or "terrorist sympathizer" by Republicans for actually giving a damn about this nation's people.

Republican: Let's brainwash all of the United States' citizens into believing that we do the work of God and that Democrats are really just a satanic cult trying to take over the US Government!

by I_Am_Anonymous September 12, 2006

1184๐Ÿ‘ 58025๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who can think for himself or herself; an intelligent being with good taste in politics.

"That girl makes good political decisions...she is such a Democrat!"

"That idiot likes Sarah Palin...he is NOT good enough to be a Democrat."

by gangstergirl17 December 25, 2011

1057๐Ÿ‘ 51808๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: A person who supports democracy
2: A person who supports a one of the numerous parties known as the "Democratic Party". Some democratic parties include: The US Democratic Party, Australian Democrats andthe New Zealand Democratic Party.

1: He, as a democrat, believes that the best way to choose the leader of a country is to hold an election.
2:I am a democrat, so I will vote for the Democrats in the election.

by Josh You Are November 2, 2008

1120๐Ÿ‘ 1740๐Ÿ‘Ž