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desert eagle

desert eagle- a simiauto hand gun that is most commonly found in 357mag,44mag,50AE with 9,8,7 magazine capacities. fitted with either a 6 or 10 inch barrel. The desert eagle weighs 72oz or 4.5lbs it is made by IMI but sold in the US by magnum research. Cost new from about $1250.00 and up depending on where it was purchased and the finish of the gun/ accessories.

To clear up common myths and misinformation of the desert eagle
The desert eagle is a large hand gun but is completly manageable. It will not break your wrist or come near doing so (Know a kid that could shoot a Smith and wesson 500 mag.{more powerful then the 50AE} when he was 9 and did not get hurt in any way.) It is not the best pistol in the world due to its size and weight and the reliablity. You can shoot it with one hand but the average hunter/shooter with much shooting experince would not do it since it is fairly difficult to hold 4.5lbs strait out and be accurate. And if you do shoot it with one hand most will not drop it and it will not hurt you when shot properly. Yes it can kill a bear and kill most animals but its nothing to brag about there are thousands of hand guns that can do the same and hit much harder(S&W500 or S&w460)and be more effective. The desert eagle is not a smart choice for defence against animals(or anything else) due to its weight and bulk 4.5lbs doesnt seem like much but packing it on your side makes you tired very quickly ecspecaily if all you do is sit on your comp and play CS all day. The fact that its a simiauto does not make it better in any way then a revolver. Also Magnum rounds like 357,44,50AE(the recoil and power from these cartriges are not what many think them to be) can be shot off quickly when done by someone who knows what the fuck they are doing. If you have little firearm knowlege and base your oppinion on a movie or a game then keep your comments to yourself So people that want to know what a desert eagle is will not get fed mis info.

The CS nerd thougt the "deagle" was the best firearm in the world since you could kill things in one shot.
The hunter was considering a desert eagle for a handgun but decided a revolver either a ruger,smith and wesson, or a taurus.

by Desert Eagle fan101 July 10, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Desert eagle

Most overrated gun ever

Short form: deagle

Guy 1 "Hey, look at those fucking cod fags"
Guy 2"LOL are they pretending to play with invisible guns?"
Guy 1"lool I think they are, that one has a desert eagle"

by Deathmonkey November 19, 2012

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

desert eagle

A very powerful pistol with about the amount of joueles as a 12 gauge shotgun, but with more accuracy. It was designed by Isreal to more a backup for the galil and uzi when they ran out of ammo or when they need to pick somone off without a sniper. Never designed for close quarters, it was only issued to Specail Forces of the IDF.
Could be shot with onehand if you are skilled, but you will most likly hurt yourself

The IDF SF rushed egypts borders in the 6 day war with the desert eagle as a main backup

by smartazz January 26, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

desert eagle

A large handgun designed by Magnum Research. The Desert Eagle is Available in 4 different calibers .357, .41, .44, .440 &.50. Used by the Israel military and hunters alike, this gun is extremely powerful and accurate. With the ability to accurately hit a target at 100 yards and strong enough to kill a bear. It is the largest manufactured semi-automatic pistol on the market. Alto using the Desert eagle as shown in movies it is impractical. This firearm is not for the timid or weak.

Magnum Research, Inc. patented the basic design of the Desert Eagle in 1980.

by Jake Potter September 11, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

desert eagle

A rediculously large and totally impractical pistol, often found gold plated in the hands of pimps with small genetalia. Designed in Israel, probably to prove that what they lack in foreskin they make up for in firepower...

Fo'shnizzle, bihatch - don't you go getting your jizzed-up fingahz all over mah bling-bling Desert Eagle know wot Ah mean? Uh huh? Now pass me mah crack, bihatch!

by Stoatman August 21, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Desert Eagle

The single greatest handgun ever made. God himself always carried one in each hand, infact Jesus and Muhammed both carried Deagles with them at all times. Even Buddha had a Deagle lying around, therefore, it is the greatest thing ever made ever and will never not be the greatest because it is.

Oh noes, our AWPs and scouts and guns that aren't deagles are no match for the awesomeness of Desert Eagle /die

by Aaron2k6 August 26, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

desert eagle

Whored pistol made famous among pre-pubescent adolescents by the game Counter Strike. Also known as the DEagle.

OMG how'd he kill me, I had a DEagle?!!

by Anonymous February 6, 2003

32๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž