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This creature is always a women she loves boys who are smaller and younger than her.
Itโ€™s also a persian word that means dumbass.

You are so dessi

by Amir the god December 16, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Male Genitalia, otherwise known as the penis.
Or cock

I so got her last night with my dessie.

I love it when she sits on top of my dessie!

Ow, my dessie!

by Ow my Jordan January 5, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dessie G

The greatest man on earth. Men want to be him women want to get with him.

Using msn:

Random: OMG!!! URE SO COOL BRUV sup
Dessie g: Go away im busy

by Dessie g fan April 11, 2005

2๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

tw dessi

Look at the definition for wigga and that him also a YouTuber who got famous of Roblox anime game

Tw dessi is so cool

This ainโ€™t meant to be offensive

by Sosomu October 28, 2020


dessi's are backstabbing bitches who don't care bout anyone except them selves. will always put guys before close friends

did you hear what dessi did in manly today

by Hugo Saunders March 22, 2022


a girlyyy girl but funny like really funny likes to whoop people and sit on people and kill them with her ass but get a dessi

yo dude! whats that smell it smells so good who is that girl with no ass

bro shes so pretty thats dessi
ouu gotta get that girl

by rosaaaaa November 21, 2023


1. A Homewrecker who only wants men who are already in a relationship with someone else.
2. A female adult who lives at home and doesn't pay bills but always complains about how difficult life is.
3. A woman with smelly genitals, typically from recurring Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Infections.
4. A woman who considers herself to be demure, mindful, and elegant, but would fuck you behind a 7-11 for a Klondike bar.
5. A woman who constantly interrupts conversations to talk about herself because she cannot stand not being the center of attention.
6. A woman who considers herself the most desirable and sought after by every man when in reality they wouldnโ€™t touch her with a twenty-foot pole.
7. A woman who always spends money carelessly on luxury items or wants only to complain about poverty.

A: "Damn, did you hear that Jessica seduced Andrew, even though he's married to Marie?"
B: "What a slut, that's so Dessy-coded."

by JELSA4LIFE November 23, 2024