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Russian disinformation

Scientifically proven solid facts that you can't prove or disprove so you label then as Russian disinformation.

Supposing you believe that the earth is flat, to you the simple scientific fact that the world is actually round that would be Russian disinformation. And if you disagree w the earth being round, you'll paint all people who believe that the world is round as Russian propagandists.

by Sexydimma March 19, 2022

Russian disinformation

An excuse used to quickly delegitimize an allegation being made against you.

I saw those DM‘s in your phone between you and another woman! Are you having an affair?

Naw baby, those DMs ain’t real! That’s Russian disinformation!

by Jewalz2002 October 23, 2020


false information that was created intentionally as false

Disinformation is used in black propaganda.

by Krasnoye_Plamya August 23, 2023