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Doctor Who

A FANTASTIC TV Show with countless audio dramas, comics, and novelisations.

Note: Side effects of watching include being incredibly scared by four successive beats, statues, mysterious cracks and gas masks.

Me (from upstairs): Hey, I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed, what’s the point of having you?

Idiot: Was that a doctor who reference?

Me: Affirmative

Idiot: Was that ANOTHER one?

Me: Correctomundo! I shall probably never say that word again.

Idiot: Argh! Stop talking in Doctor who references!

Me: What are you going to do, moisturise me?

Idiot: Wait, I think I’ve seen that one. What happens again?

Me: Spoilers.

Idiot: Okay, now just go away.

Me: Brilliant! ALLONS-Y!

by CharlieCon July 15, 2020

Doctor Who

Doctor Who is one of the best Sci-Fi shows of all time. Produced by the BBC it first aired in 1963. The show follows a man called The Doctor from the planet Galifrey. The Doctor is the last of the Time Lords an ancient race of humanoid with two hearts. The Doctor can regenerate this causes his appearance to change. He travels with companions the latest being Clara Oswald. They travel in time and space saving lives and planets from threats. There are currently over 800 Doctor Who episodes. There are also may spin-offs including Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Doctor Who is full of emotion and Timey Wimey stuff that makes your brain hurt. Pure Brilliance.

Doctor Who

by TheNerp December 21, 2014

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Doctor Who

Doctor Who is a BBC science-fiction TV show. It first aird from 1963-89, then revived in 2005.
The show follows an alien known only as "The Doctor" who has a time machine disguised as a 1950's Police Box. It is much bigger on the inside, and is known as the TARDIS. The Doctor's species is "Time Lord". They have the ability to regenerate (a process by which they change their bodies when they are fatally injured to escape death; each Time Lord has a maximum of 12 regenerations).
The Doctor usually travels in the company of humans, at least one of which is always a young, often attractive female. They travel through time and space, saving planets, rescuing civilizations, defeating monsters, righting wrongs and doing an awful lot of running.
The revived series is one of the best series of anything ever created by the hands of man, and the opening titles sequence of series 1-4 was INCREDIBLE. However, the 5th series was widly regarded as crap, and, contrary to popular belief, this had nothing to do with the new actor playing The Doctor. It was mainly due to the craptacular and cheap new opening sequence, the mediocre and boring new theme, unexciting plots, unecessary and bad redesigning of most aspects of the series, lack of recurring characters, consistent plot holes and continuity errors, and most of all, the HORRIFIC mutilation of the Daleks, who had, up until series 5, been perfect in their design, but were terribly redesigned in series 5.

1) "Wow! That episode of Doctor Who was so cool! Did you see the Sontaran ship explode? It was awesome!"

2) "Man! That episode was crap! Why did they redesign the Daleks? Now they look like obese telletubbies!

by imjustchillin April 20, 2011

106πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

Doctor Who

THE good doctor!! w00t

Popular science fiction show. UK

Tom Baker was the best doctor BTW

He uses the TARDIS on a regular basis

w00t TARDIS. its the good doctor who!!!

by djjiles February 20, 2005

117πŸ‘ 311πŸ‘Ž

Doctor Who

Half Human and half Gallifreyan Time Lord who saves our planet on a regular basis. His birth place of Gallifrey has been destroyed.

Did you see Doctor Who last night?

by Arron Clements April 14, 2005

141πŸ‘ 471πŸ‘Ž

Doctor Who

1. A once excellent show that has now, rather sadly, gone up its own (or Russell T Davies's) arse.

As in:

"Doctor Who was best when it was like Hammer House of Horror! Not a ruddy soap opera!"


"Cut out the soppy crap & end it when the story ends not drag it out for another 15 minutes!"


"Doesn't anybody care anymore?"

---The cries of Dr Who's true fans.

by beep_the_meep_rules July 12, 2008

69πŸ‘ 493πŸ‘Ž

Doctor Who

Slang name for penis

"My Doctor Who (doctor) had plenty of room in that tardis she's got!"

by batmum July 27, 2006

60πŸ‘ 481πŸ‘Ž