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A gender for identifying yourself as a fatherless child that can't have rational thinking.

Hi, I'm dreamgender and I hate life!

by lolerslolers February 12, 2022


A gender that tries to fit in despite the fact that it's a complete insult to the LGBTQ+, usually it's the scrawny and annoying 13 year olds that actually identify as this ' gender'. They're attracted to ONE person, the Minecraft player Dream. After his face reveal there was somewhat of a decline in this gender already.

Josh: Dream is so hot fr, I'm a dreamsexual btw, dreamgender is real.
Dan: No, it's not, you fucking retard.

by Ambassing January 27, 2023

2👍 1👎


A person who is mentally deranged in the head and lacks a parental figure that they turns their favorite youtuber into a gender

person 1 : Im dreamgender
person 2 : you are a burden to society

by dream sucks ass June 26, 2022


dreamgender does not exist it is a gender for people who dont know what they are so they use a minecraft youtuber to define themselfs

(son): dad i am dreamgender please accept me like that
(dad): youre adopted

by crhis p. bacon March 21, 2022


Someone who is so fucking up in the head that they have fake genders based on a popular minecraft youtuber that makes his community have bad reputation.

- Hey guys! I am coming out as DreamGender!!

- Fuck you. I actually hope you will die in a building on fire. If your parents found out what you are doing on the internet, they would spank your ass SO MUCH you would have deep lines inside of it. You are the reason why god should do Ctrl + Z on his world editor untill it's a new project.

by banana guy68419 July 6, 2022


the proper noun for "fatherless"

person 1: "I'm dreamgender! I go by dream/dreamself pronouns!!!"

person 2: "I'm calling your mother to ask her to put you up for adoption, I'm sad your dad didn't pull out."

by xeno lol May 24, 2022


dreamgender is also known as a term for 9 year old dream stans, who think they're dream. also known as a mental illness.

Client: "I'm Dreamgender"

Therapist: "I think you should go to the mental hospital. You need it."

by Motherlulu June 14, 2022