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Usually the sexiest member of the band. I've never met an ugly drummer.

I'd go out with a drummer anytime.

by Chick54321 December 6, 2009

38๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ONLY way any band or singer could ever suceed.
We hold toghether all music and are the greatest ever
We are constantly unappreciated among other musicians because our instruments look simple but take super human skill to play to a good standard.
We are never allowed to play at a band practice when other musicians are tuning/figuring out guitar/bass/synth because drums posses little ability to turn down volume but pads arn't fun and playing quietly isn't half as fun
We possibly are insane but this only aids the love we recieve from Women(apparently never happens to me) and because we play and instrument that requires hard physical work!
The hard physical work leads to mass sweating which in turn leads to mass taken off of clothes. This is part of the insaneness
There are some disadvantages
Lots of kit must be lugged everywhere
Setting up takes a while
Drums are expensive(but cool)
No appreciation from band
always at the back or back corners of the stage
Can't get up and run around
always need sticks which frequently brake

However despite this we are the greatest ever musicians and own all others because they need us! We are god like in our musicness

Guitarist"Everyone sees me at the front of the stage and notices my music and what im doing"
Drummer"No-one sees me at the back and althought my music is noticed it is behind all the other music that is going on"

However the guitarist can be replaced and although people notice the band sound the same
Replace the drummers its basically a different band because no drummer sounds the same

by sam sherwin June 19, 2007

86๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


The heartbeat of a band

My friend is a drummer and they keep the band together

by hello you July 11, 2008

64๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who plays the drums usu. a drum kit. It is a common misconception that drummers are unintelligent and have no musical ability whatsoever. They get alot of flak from guitarists about not having tuned instruments. this is because drums are a percussive intrument rather than a melodic instument. but they can be tuned, personally i have my toms tuned to a perfect fourth in acending order starting from the floor tom.

The problem with saying that drummers have no musical ability is that though we have no moving melodic structure we do have "notes". these notes can and usually are written on a staff with the lowest line or E (treble clef) representing the bass drum and the middle line or B (treble clef) representing the snare the remaining lines and spaces are normally reserved for toms while the Ledger lines and spaces above F are used in conjunction with Xs and stars for cymbals.

drummers do indeed drive the band as the heart beat and "time machine" of the band. though often disrespected and unappreciated the drummer sits in the back with a smile on his face knowing that without him the band would be screwed.

P.s i also play guitar, piano, bass, and im a vocalist, so suck on that people who say we arent musicians

guitarist: lol ur such a noob for playing drums ur not a musician at all

drummer:Ok do you realize that you were playing an ascending Phrygian mode during your solo while it would have made more melodic sense to play a descending Mixolidian

Guitarist: what the hell is a Ascending Phrygian mode

Drummer: exactly........im going to go hang with the bassist and talk about music theory while practicing rudiments

Guitarist: what are rudiments

Drummer: lol fag............

by Shorty the drummer February 15, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Drummers are the hardest position in a band to fill, and keep filled. A good drummer is hard enough to find, but a good drummer who is also responsible and committed enough to be in a working band is rare.

Many good drummers are just flakes, or crazy, or un-reliable. Hey, they hit things all day, right? Conversely, many responsible drummers are just not good. There is something in the raw talent to play the drums that also makes a person a little crazy, more so than other musicians.

So, if you find a good drummer who is actually responsible, hold onto that guy!

My band is currently on our 5th drummer. The first one was a jerk, the second one got arrested, the third one went crazy, and the fourth one got married and had kids. This 5th one seems cool, though.

by daveb July 1, 2005

229๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Although we drummers are the best. There are some disadvantages:(1) Hauling equipment sucks. We have the set, cymbals, hardwere, pedals, mikes and a bunch of other stuff. (2) We cannot move around on stage. (3) Sticks are to drums as strings are to bass and guitar. Only these things break ALOT easier.
But other then that. We rule.

Drummers CAN read music.

by saveyourbfbangme June 30, 2006

313๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who can play the instrument "Drum"

i play the drums so i'm a drummer

by Fred Durst May 7, 2003

287๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž