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Juan duran

just a kid that likes jordan and only wears jordan i'm not sure why

Juan Duran does not stop wearing jordan wtf

by The 7FootKid January 30, 2020

Antman Duran

Anthony Duran is a 6 foot tight booty nigga with long legs and outrageously soft foreskin

Guy: Whose that guy with the tight firm ass?? Girl: that’s Antman Duran

by Moe Lestedurmom April 3, 2022

Edward Duran

he is a very amazing person, one who will always help you out in your times of need and support you through your tough times while making fun of your problems.

man that guys a real Edward Duran helping him and making fun of him

by Y.O.U.R. bestfriend March 30, 2021

Jose Duran

Jose Duran is the epitome of big balls and big dick mama huevo. Jose Duran's are dominican they like to go to Dyckman and they enjoy having hookah times every once in a while. His best friend is undefined. 1/0. Jose Duran's like to have a lot of puppies and like to eat plantain and fight with his siblings.

Dayumm Jose Duran has the biggest ding dong I have ever seen.

Jose Duran you are not allowed to talk to other girls romantically okay little bitch subsubsub little hoe ass little baby bitch love bitch mama huevo. Okay u got it.

by drogbaoh May 22, 2018

Ronaldo Duran

A lying pussy ass mexican bitch.

Stop being a Ronaldo Duran (stop being a pussy ass mexican bitch)

by Truestdefinitions March 4, 2016

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dirty duran

When a drunk male farts in his partners face, then chokes his partner with his penis ejaculating into their mouth while he smokes marijuana.

Tiesha caught pink eye when her boyfriend Chris gave her a Dirty Duran.

by TyrianDax August 15, 2017

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jennifer duran

An asshole

Jennifer Duran is an asshole

by BigBallsBoy69420 June 14, 2017

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