Source Code

Durns fart

It stinks


Durns fart

by Zane/Leo May 10, 2022



Bruh durn

by ThreeCourseMeal October 26, 2018


A word used by sigmas worldwide to express rizziness to the ladies in Ohio

Person 1: are you a durn
Person 2: yes i only edge to icespice

by sigmawithrizz😎 April 18, 2024

durn sure

Something Kootra from the Creatures says when he likes something.

"Durn Sure"


by Kookiecreature May 13, 2016

dat durn

An expression of surprise or disbelief in any situation.

Someone says, “Im about to get fired man!” I answer, “dat durn! “

by JBo42 August 8, 2024

got durn

word meaning "god damn" but improperly said in ebonic terms or in place of if religious in the hood

Got durn that joker is ready when he be at da club wit dat triflin bitch

by danda love main May 19, 2006