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coyly eager

When a woman wants cock but has to kind of pretend she doesn’t. But she def wants cock.

She currently has a bf but she’s coyly eager for other cock.

by Lolloraff87 November 22, 2020

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eager eggs

1. A mis-pronunciation of the word "Easter Eggs", but later adapted to mean a "surprise" left by an individual.

2. Any object

Joe: Okay Pleples! Time to go find the Eager Eggs!
Kelly: What's an Eager Egg?
Melba: What Midnight left us last night on the carpet.

Melba:Did you open those Eager Eggs yet?
Kelly: Nah man, I have too many eager eggs in my closet already.

by Kelly P April 24, 2007

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Eager Beaver

when one waits to long to make a bowel movement and there is a build up of poo in your body. the anus is unable to strech enough to let it through resulting in a ripping of ones asshole and a whole lot of fucking pain

If you didnt have such an eager beaver, maybe we wouldnt have to mop your shit up off the floor

by Standford August 15, 2006

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eager beaver

1)an unbelievably keen year 7 with a rucksack that is bigger than their entire body
2)alternatively there is the game which is basically violent snap and so much better than the original :O

1) did u see that eager beaver trip over on the way up to assembly.

2)olibaz: SNAPPP!!! *punches grud*
grud: oii *snatches cards they break*

by grud February 28, 2009

19πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

Eager Beaver

A female who’s trying too hard to prove herself in a male-dominated career field.

That police officer who wrote me a ticket for jaywalking was being a real Eager Beaver

by Deadformatgames January 25, 2019

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Eager puppy overkill

After a successful first date, trying to plan a second date to occur within three days of the initial date.

"Yeah, first date went great, I'm thinking of asking her what she's doing Saturday."
"Don't do it, you went out Thursday; Saturday would be eager puppy overkill."

by middkdr October 15, 2008

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eager kitten

When you have to grab so bad your asses in the air like an eager kitten

After night at the Mexican restaurant I was eager shittin like an eager kitten

by A team and the sliders March 30, 2018