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to paraphrase from Pulp Fiction:

Sammy L. Jackson: "Hey brad, where you from?"
SLJ: "What? hmm, do they speak english in what?"
B: "What?"
SLJ:"english, muthafucka, do uoi speak it?"
B: "What?"
SLJ: "Say 'what' again.." brandishes weapon
B: "What?"
SLJ: shoots B in arm.

by muddy shnuckles April 26, 2005

561๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A quirky little langauge that you wont have a chance of understanding unless you jump in with both feet. English often makes little sense when anylised but is certainly fun none the less, and which by some ungodly reason managed to spread to pretty much most of the world.

2. An even quirkier group of people that can do things downright eccentric, flamboyant or outragous and still maintain their dignity. A group of people that have ministries not departments, tea not coffie and an accent renouned in most of the world. An englishman has a natural born ability of self depreciation, a complex sense of humour (with a 'u'), and a brilliant cricket team (just dont tell the australians that). The english are also rather renouned for complaining about the weather or lack-there-of.

1. It's not color, its colour, and they're not cookies, they're biscuits!

2. A: Oh my gosh is'nt the weather just awefull
B: 'isnt'?, use proper english sir.
B: Oh so sorry, but we still won the cricket
A: So we did, how absolutly spiffing!
B: Oh do pass the tea
A: There you go, biscuits?

by Russell Dawson June 13, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

the English

The best thing about the English is that we're not bad at understatement.

"That multiple orgasm was quite nice actually."

by CougarSW2 November 18, 2004

53๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A language hardly anyone can speak correctly.

"Here in America where we speak English people like to vocalise their opinions, nowhatimsayin..."

"Pardon? Vocalise? That means to make sounds without language, you know, like parrots and babies".
"Yeah. Did you mean 'give voice to' or something like that?".
"Dunno. Maybe. You got a dictionary?"
"I think you mean 'do I have a dictionary', why yes, I have. I will now get it."
"Ooooh, I'm so excited, I can't wait, no really I can't wait, bye".

by Polack the Pole January 10, 2010

39๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone or somthing originating from England. A small island in western europe, this island is also shared by wales, and scotland.

Many stereotypes are related back to the english. Such as wearing big top hats, speaking in a posh or stuck up accent, being rich, being agressive and moody and living in castles. These are all bullshit. I'm english and I'd love to be one rich motherfucker. All I am is a middleclass open minded student who has nothing against anyone. In the 'ye olde times' we did happen to gangrape most of the world (about 3/4 to be precise) but back then everyone was trying to do the exact same, we were just better. This makes many people angry, such as the Scottish, the Americans aaaand hell every other country in the world really (apart from the ones whoses asses we saved).

So please learn from this guys, we english are not all football hooligans, nor are we all Lords and Ladies of Yorkshire, the majority of us are just nice, friendy people who are activley seeking to make the world a better place.

Apart from Tony Blair, do not gauge us by his actions. Hes a cunt. So's Gordon Brown.

Stereoytpical English Gentleman - Well hello young master Blake, should you not be studying for your big scripture test you young scallywag you? Heyo do not tither, here is a pittance now be on your way.


Actual English man - Alright mate.

by KeepingKeyes October 26, 2007

147๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


spin on a pool ball or billiards ball (they are very different games). Comes from the fact that this technique came here from English players when they brought the game and their skillz here

Damn dude, you see the curve on the ball? That shit had madd english on it.

by notyou May 18, 2004

401๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


It dies with each word we speak...

by Shawn B. October 9, 2003

499๐Ÿ‘ 296๐Ÿ‘Ž