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Love your wife as Christ loves the Church
A man can't use the excuse of(You gonna leave me anyway)as reason for his ADULTERY.
You PRIDE stopped you from doing right by you Wife & thanks to you own STUPIDITY you caught up in a mess with other women.Just wonder how you would feel if you Wife had a next man/men?My Empress Sweet Kind & LOYAL as hell & I-Man love her ways including her cooking baking everyting in between.Marriage is SACRED to both of us.She nah put up with you fuckery Errol,so how bout you get divorced be free to CHEAT all you like since you don't respect youself anyway explain to you family what

you been doing then we can marry & be happy?

You wouldn't give you wife a threesome or open marriage,but you put her in one with next gyal mi can't believe a Married man a push closer to 70 soon really wants to have affair an embarrass himself like dat. All men want a Good Woman until it require him to be a Good Man him start run him mouth cause problem.You don't take care of my Empress properly she should be coming home to mi every day I-Man love her endlessly my arms long to hold & feel her babysoft skin💕I won't lose her again b/c of anyone & mi will never let her go♥️♥️


It take a real man to love honor & cherish his Wife..

by Janet21 July 7, 2023


I-Man love you Wife Errol all ways av try see where mi coming from as mi don't want you

get wrong idea.You Wife don't talk her business as she is a very beautiful & private person you don't av a clue just how good a woman she is,but this a where you FUCK up as you talk too much a you private life to people you tink a you friend like you don't understand what marriage is.Stop chat you yard business as a result of you own STUPIDITY that person you trust a tell the whole world all bout wha you a do she even gone as far as to telling people you & she in a supmn to.Why would you be such a Maama Man a carry news up & down all the stuff mi hear also see is direct result of you chatting you nuh look good as a Married man 😬You start drama like you don't see say you a OLD man now you boy days are over we a big people you embarrassing & don't deserve you Wife at all.Everyday man a lose good woman b/c of dem own doing.Mi av so much Love & Respect for you Wife you need to come better than dat I'll never give up on her if you involve in some ting else please move out the way.I miss her bad she is full of love loyalty & right amount a feistiness😃


I-Man in love with you Wife bad wish mi did a hold you now💕

by Janet21 June 26, 2023



I wish I had a wife like yours who encourages you to "carry yourself well" I'm so in awe of
your Wife,well aren't you the lucky one?
Must be why y'all are so jealous 😆

Thanks to a beautiful Wife Errol is forever carrying himself well & looking good!

by Janet21 April 1, 2023


Errol your Wife is so beautiful & SEXY.

The love & respect I have for this woman will never die ♥️
When I look at her l reminisce on all the fun we used to have together back when it was us this Sweet Lady had it lock with handcuffs leather whips chains & everything I remember when

she tied me up sat on my face & let me eat I had never experienced anything like it in my life nor will I ever again, that sexy crotchless patent outfit she wore allowed me to see the cheeks of that very firm ass she has. She shoved a pair of red panties into my mouth to teach me a lesson & she would use her leather whip to tantalise my hard COCK knowing I wanted to put it inside

to feel her tightness all over it.
She squeezed my balls I love the sensations it gave me all over my body to this day I've never met or known another woman like her she's most UNIQUE.

Treat her right!

Errol wake up

by Janet21 February 7, 2023


Good afternoon my beautiful Jamaican Empress dream see you dis marnin a piece a COCK STAND nearly kill mi,it's not bout SEX so much for us

it's a deep love a kind weh gi you butterflies,last time I feel so a almost 30yrs😊mi excited knowing how mi feel only Jah know I-Man true intentions & mi want you to know dem no matter how tings go mi will all ways care love & cherish you all mi see a you gorgeous smile,mi member you smell,we use to wrap up in one anedda even air could come between we mi can't wait to see hold you kiss you,if you let mi be the ONE?I hate wen you hear man a chat fart bout if mi did meet you first we'd be married & all mi kids would be wid you🥴so tell mi dis den you finally meet someone you so in a love wid dat you mek so so lie statement after the CREATOR finally send dem your way you fuck up big time,mek it mek sense🙄truth plenty time it wouldn't av turn out any differently as the same reason the other people leff is b/c you still a do wrong as a big rass man,but wah you fail to see in you woman next man will come get instead,temptation nuh good in a marriage neither cheating cos big grey tone man can't grow up & wussa when dem older.I see you blessings Errol & member if you slip you slide I'll be right there no problem,I nah threaten you mi tell you wat ago appen mi love you wife & finally see someone worth fighting for,do tings right & make sure my baby a you priority be the Man she needs or si dung so baby can see the Man behind you...

Baby hold tight farda above see & know everyting💕

by Janet21 October 15, 2023


You know we ourselves couldn't have put

it better than William Shakespeare when he argues in his tragic play Hamlet about humans.
Almost 70yrs of age & leading a DOUBLE LIFE Errol SHAME on you😔You should walk street with you head down you WICKED EVIL little

man look at all the trouble you caused no wonder you are the Black Sheep of the family

by you own doing & you old you never deserve such a beautiful talented intelligent WIFE you loser. I love My Empress enough to come UK work & go back home with her to live a clean

life 💕you lack Morals Integrity & Christ Consciousness.

You can't hide from the CREATOR you dutty CHEATING loser.

by Janet21 November 3, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress mi love & miss

you so much more than you ever thought possible❤️❤️mi can't wait to hold you my Eveready🤗 Mi Visa come true,dem give mi 6mths Baby I'm with an opportunity to stay longer further down the line.I am just so happy as mi know mi av someone worth fighting for who isn't a cheap thrill for my ego or one of 7 tings to dip in & out of. Good Men don't CHEAT only a damage SELFISH EGOTISTICAL & easily brainwashed one would besides not taking responsibility for his own life & always blaming

a woman for the fact him av nothing later on in life is just an excuse all of us raised we kids dem we never run. Sometimes you look & see the siblings dem a do so much better because

dem do the work while the others just want job where dem can run round.Dem never mek for HARD work just stuff dat av dem running around like lost sheep for attention instead of looking further down the line to living a comfortable life & as a result it make dem very bitter & envious no one stop dem fram taking different work or make better choice.Mi proud a you Empress mi know you were a very hardworking woman with strong values & principles you av you ways like other people you talk you truth no time for the fuckery,but underneath it is a naturally Beautiful Sexy very Intelligent woman with a good heart,so make dem stay there a STUDY you like you owe dem someting must be b/c you not in the CHEATING club with the good pum pum😅mi soon see you
Love you without end X o X o 💕


Empress I'm longing for you to wake up in my arms so mi can love you up 🤗

by Janet21 August 1, 2023