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A way to pose for a picture in which one stands on an angle from the camera lens, arches their back, and drops their facing shoulder. It is preferable that one includes a hand gesture with the palm face down and fingers as high in the air as possible. This pose is very common among sem girls and usually not done by the main person in the photo. Accompanying faces are optional and extremely popular.

Photographer: Would u stand straight and pose like a normal person?
Sem Girl: No, I'm doing an esti-pose!

by everythingsfreikentaken April 17, 2014


She's Talented,Brilliant,Incredible,Amazing. Show stopping,Spectacular,Never the same,Totally unique,completely never seen before,unafraid to reference or not reference,put it in a blender,shit on it,spit on it,give birth to it. She's just so awesome you wish to be her.

"Esti is litterally scrump delicious"

by Awooga googa April 1, 2021


Om 'n Esti te beskryf, dit is wanneer jy iewers in 'n plek in stap en jou oë vorm in hartjies, jou hart begin vinnig klop, jy kry butterflies en jy kan nie ophou soos 'n idoot smile nie.

Esti is 'n naam van 'n vrou wat jy nooit deur jou vingers moet laat glip nie anders verloor jy die kans om die liefde van jou lewe te ontmoet.

Esti is die mooiste vrou wat jy ooit sal ontmoet in jou lewe, sy is nie net mooi nie maar ook oulik, liefdevol en intelligent.
Esti maak als in die lewe die moeite werd.

Esti mag dalk somtyds 'n bitch wees maar as jy haar leer ken sal jy agter kom dit is die moeite werd.

Esti is die tipe mens wat hou van praat, musiek luister en ook van lees.

Esti lyk altyd op haar mooiste en die oulikste as sy slaap.

Esti het my hart gesteel.

by Esti281101 February 13, 2021

sexy esti

Sexy esti is one of the most beautiful girl on earth. She is sexy smart but not very intelligent. She calls sexy esti because she is the biggest sex bomb on earth. Everybody loves her and want to be her friend. But boyfrieds aren't her thing, boys doest like stupid girls. So now she is on a college to getting more intelligent.

guy 1: "Omg look at sexy esti she is so sexy!"
guy 2: "yeah! she is but she doest know anything about life!"

by Liviuuuuuu January 3, 2017