It like a "fuck you" or a whatever simplified in a simple k form.
Like when you send a long paragraph and get the response of k
Short simple answer: everybody k = i hate everyone
Usually said after something irritates you or you have negative feelings about something.
Exp: everybodyk , starbucksk, donald trumpk, so on so fourth
Dude 1: "we should go to applebees"
Dude 2: "nah, they took 2 hours for my food and the waitress was rude, applebeesk"
Gal 1: "omg theres derek, you should go talk to him"
Gal 2: "no way, hes an ass. Derek k"
*pissed off in general* "everybody k"
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A more appropiate informal, better sounding way to say "everybody and their mom" (which is grammatically correct but just sounds a little bit too white LOL)
An expression and metaphor used to explain and complain about the excessive amount of people in a location.
Why is everybody and they mama at the store right now?! Go home and order a fucking pizza!!!
Dang everybody and they mama was at the washhouse today, I had to go way down the street to the other one.
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A phrase used by Tonight Show host Johnny Carson and then by Late Show host David Letterman to indicate that a humorous point had just come close to crossing a line and getting the show pounced on by network censors. Later adopted by the character Yakko Warner of Animaniacs voiced by Rob Paulsen.
After the Warner Brothers are caught using a bust of Freud as a Pez dispenser, their therapist says 'Stop touching my bust!' Wherein Yakko pauses and looks at the camera, blows a kiss and says 'Goodnight everybody.'
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More than just everybody. Same as adding 1 to an infinite number. Noun, never plural, always singular.
I tried to buy tickets to the Motley Crue tour, but everybody and their mom was there.
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Something BEAUTIFUL said by a kpop idol, Jungkook.
Jungkook: eVeRybOdy sAy noOoOooOOoo
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What happens if you live near Antoine Dodson in Lincoln Park of Huntsville, Alabama.
He's climbin' in your windows; he's snatchin' your people up, trying to rape 'em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband 'cause they rapin' everybody out here.
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(n.) 1. You know. Those other people who aren't as unique as you.
"Man, they conform so much!" "Oh, you mean everybody else?" "Yeah!"
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