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faggotron rex

Extreme optimus prime level homosexuality accompanied with never ending annoying gestures and comments.

He has surpassed faggotron status. This kid is approaching faggotron rex status.

Vince is being a total faggotron rex.

by IMafia March 25, 2014

faggotron prime

An annoying french individual who wears a lot cologne who has the worst case of inertia ever. And is a espeacially lump.

Faggotron prime said he was going to leave at 4:30am but didn't end up leaving until later the next day because he is so lump.

by Carol and Len May 6, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo Faggotron

This term is to specify Faggoty emo's from the future 2050.

Guy: Look at that emo faggatron.
Emo faggotron: Beep. Beep. Boop. Cannot reboot. *Depression*
Guy: Fag.
Emo faggotron: *Suicide*
Guy: Still a faggotron..

by IareKohl April 18, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Faggotron 5000

Highest level of faggotry. When you call someone this tge whole bar should go silent for a few seconds before you get tackled to the ground or called a bigot. If you really wanna get it, call them a faggimus prime, if you do that, prepare your anus

Random anti-gay conservative: โ€œFAGGOTRON 5000!!!!!!!โ€
Random gay guy: *tackles guy out of the ground and literally beats the shit out of conservative, maybe some anal if the guyโ€™s into it #consent

by Anoninest anon June 8, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gay barbs.

Watch out guys the faggotrons are at it again.

by ThaMikeyMay April 7, 2020


The gay Megatron

a gay transformer that turns into a 2013 Prius

โ€œDave your Gucci fiat is a motha fuckin FAGGOTRONโ€

by Cuntpop April 30, 2020


This is not a derogatory word when used in the correct context.

This is generally a gay man who is a little flaunty and subversive with it instead of full on clean cut and well behaved. They are the ones between Generation X and Millennials. They know what the original Tron film is and love it. They are unafraid and fascinated by technology but also know how to deal with a life in the natural world without a connection to the web.

I am such a faggotron.

by Harlot O'Scarrah June 28, 2018