People who watch anime just to get attention for how “different” they are.
Most likely bullied people for liking it when they were younger, but now since its popular they’ve “been a fan” or “been wanting to watch it”
absolutely LOVE My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Naruto, Dragon Ball, you know all the mainstream shounen that they’ve seen one episode of with someone else and said “ WhY Is It iN ChINeSe or WhateVeR”
anyway a fake anime fan is someone who hops on whatever bandwagon they can because they want to be involved.
Usually “say i loved it since i was little” but if its remotely true then they just WATCHED it WHEN then were little
“You only say you like anime because it’s mainstream your a fake anime fan dude”
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A fake anime fan is someone who watches anime only because they heard it's popular
-has a profile pic of some character from the '80s(yet can't name the anime it's from)
-watches only the most popular shows(Naruto,Haikyuu,Attack on Titan,Death Note)
-doesn't watch anything too old 'cuz their virgin eyes can't stand older graphics and their tiny brains can't comprehend their plot
-doesn't read manga
-never even heard of light novels
-does dumbass tiktoks where they shake their stupid arms like an autistic hobo pointing at some colorful texts
-watched one episode of a random hentai and think they're cultured
-if you call them out you are *deep breath* toxic ungrateful crayon eater elitist gatekeeper hater with no life who deserves to die
-doesn't accept any criticism of their favourite anime,and will call you the words above if you dare say anything
-"no mom anime is not for kids,see it has titties and big bloody monster,is cartoon for big kidz like me"
-says the most sad and cringe things like "naruto changed me" or "these characters may be fictional but they are real in my heart"
-probably a "emily/blm/acab/eat the rich" type of 14yrs old white girl or one of her simps
-omg i love anime!
What's your favourite anime?
-My hero macadamia nuts!
-Ok...what do you think of the latest chapter?
-i dont like reading manga
-fake anime fan/fake weeb
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People that only watch anime because it's now mainstream and people that only watch 2 shows and call themselves a fan. Fake anime fans usually do the following:
Have an 80s anime character as their pfp, yet cant name what anime they're from.
bully you for liking anime but have an anime pfp online
bully you for liking anime but a few years later, now that it's popular they act like they've been hardcore fans for ages but can only name 3 anime
ONLY watch shonen. they only watch One piece, MHA Shit slayer etc.
The type of people to bandwagon from the anime hype without actually watching any because they know it's popular. they claim on twitter that they like anime but never mention anime again. usually seen from desperate females that want attention. I just don’t like people being cunts and riding on trends with which they would have otherwise dissociated or they would have derided
if you only watch action or shonen anime, dont call yourself an anime fan. You're a SHOUNEN fan, not an anime fan. Anime fans actually watch anime from a variety of genres.
It's so weird that anime is mainstream now. I'm happy that it's popular, now people get to enjoy the masterpieces of anime, but at the same time I hate that all these people are watching anime. They don't enjoy it like a real fan would. They only dip their toes into the pool that is anime and it fucking sucks when you know there is shit that deserves to be watched and appreciated.
Gate keeping is good.
Fake anime fans: "Omg. I LOVE anime!!! I've been a fan for YEARS"
Me: "What's your favourite anime?"
Fake anime fans: "My HeRo AcADeMiA!!!!"
normally people that have mha as their favourite anime are probably casual shonen watchers. not fans
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someone who listened to either 'earned it' 'the hills' or the almighty 'can't feel my face' and instantly declared themselves a fan of the weekEnd before even knowing how to spell his name. also thinks his beautiful hair is either a piece of KFC or something disgusting that shouldn't exist.
*can't feel my face comes on* "Wow, I love the Weeknd!" said Claire. Claire is a fake Weeknd Fan.
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Someone who claims to be a big fan of a certain band, has a shitload of the band's merchandise(hats,tees, braclets neckties), yet in reality, this person only knows a few of the bands actual songs, usually greatest hits. Bands which are the targets of fake-ass fans are usually old rock bands like AC/DC,Led Zeppelin,The Doors,KISS and The Ramones. But this can be consistant with any kind of musical artist. Excessive owning of such merchandise can also mean a weak attempt to look "cool" or "hardcore"
Jimmy had pretty much every single bit of KISS merchandise, everything from toothpaste to socks to braces. But when asked to list some of his favorite songs of theirs he could only think of two of their songs,"Rock and roll all night" and "Strutter". He was a fake-ass fan.
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people who only know twenty one pilots for 'Stressed out' Heathens' and 'Ride' that gets me mad
the clique; who the fuck..
maRIE; whats your favorite song?
angELICA; blurryface
the whole fandom; GET THE FUCK OUT BITCH THE DOOOOR fake top fan..
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someone who has never heard of Jonas Secrets or jbfbdb.
"You've never heard of Jonas Secrets? Do you even know what a creeper is?? You must be a fake jonas fan."
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