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fall back

To leave a potentially violent situation before it gets out of hand

John: Yo I cant believe that fool trying to play me like I'm a sucker.
Rob: Yeah man that's crazy, what you gonna do?
John:I'm just gonna fall back and let him play hisself.

by True to life January 18, 2008

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fall back

having someone that you would date if you're current relationship fails.

If Tess ever dumps me, I would probably go out with my fall back, Megan.

by guesswhoassface March 1, 2008

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Fall Back Program

The show that you watch while your main show is at a commercial. It is usually not as good as your main show.

Dude I was watching Family Guy last night and there was a 12 minute commercial. Good thing I had Spongebob as my Fall Back Program

by The Tree7635 May 6, 2009

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fall-back complaint

when someone often changes the subject to repeat specific complaints.

Bill mentioning a problem he is having regardless of what other people are saying is a fall-back complaint.

Joe: How was your day?
Bill: Fine. Do you know why is the bus always late?

Mary: Hello Bill.
Bill: Hey. The bus is late again.

Dave: Talk to you tomorrow Bill.
Bill: Okay! I hope the bus wont be late.

Jim: Can you give me Mary's number?
Bill: Did you know the bus is always late?

by mack junk January 19, 2012

Fall Back Porn

The rare porn that to you is re-watchable and when all else fails and other porns are not getting you off, you go back to a classic that can get the job done.

Chris couldn't finish masturbating while watch the grandma porn so he went to his fall back porn and watched his favorite; Back Door Sluts 9.

by Tazdudeman August 12, 2010

Fall Back Website

Whenever you're on a website you probably shouldn't be on or are embarrassed to be on and have another normal website tabbed.

Ginny was watching female porn on her computer while her roommate was out, but had MySpace tabbed for her fall back website in case her roommate came in unexpectedly.

by ClosetBisexual May 21, 2009

Fall Back Son

Used to get someone who's all on your d, off yo jock. Causing the person to relax and stop annoying you.

Random Nigga - "Yo suspence, wassup bro? whats goin on? how you doin? how's life? you listen to a-prod's new song yet?"--"FALL BACK SON! Stop bein such a chatterbox" - Suspenc

by A-Prod October 14, 2010

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