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The mistaken belief that something one believes is a fact.

The dimwit genuinely faraged that the earth is flat and the Apollo 14 was a ladder.

by Bob Mercer March 22, 2018

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That self conscious pleasure shown by an hungry urban fox when he happens upon a pool of some drunks vomit.

Checking the beer-cans after the party, Brian found himself fuill of farage as the cigarette butt slipped down his throat.

by Grimsstar February 4, 2014

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A very large lorry or truck park associated with border crossings, particularly instances arising from mismanagement.

Etymology: Portmanteau of "garage" (English, noun, from French "garage") and "Farage" (from "Nigel Farage", failed British politician).

Tommy's business went bankrupt because his lorries where stuck in the Kent Farage for two weeks.

by trollson trollson December 17, 2020


Anything used to dispose of an unwanted milkshake.

I bought a milkshake but didn't want it anymore so I looked for the nearest Farage in order to properly dispose the unwanted milkshake.

by lastrobot May 22, 2019


To bluster, posture & threaten, then back down the second your bluff is called.

The complete absence of bravery or spine, a Jellyfish of a person.

I thought Brian was a genuine threat but turns out he's a complete Farage..... Any bigger pussy & Trump would grab him!

by Lioris November 11, 2019


The collective noun for lies.

"Did you just hear what Boris said?" "Yeah, it contained a farage of lies!"

"Have you read the new book by The Professor?"
"Don't; it's a farage of lies"

by Jypsep June 6, 2019

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To burst into someone's room while they're having sex and scream at them to pull out, whether they want to or not.

According to legend, a Farage cannot be reversed. Once you have pulled out, it is the will of the people that you don't put it back in, even if you both want to.

"We finally had a few moments alone, then Dave only bursts in holding a rollup and a pint of Adnams and pulls a Farage! Put me right off my stroke."

by Raziel4707 October 26, 2017

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