Women who flock together to make fun of, to shit on others, or to talk shit about others. They often sit or gather where they have a good view of everyone walking by, and consider themselves better than others.
A flock of seagulls began wispering as the nerdy girl walked by.
23👍 52👎
An 80's band who weren't that popular back then..but seem to be a bad-ass music group who seemed to get its popularity because their song "I ran" was in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
And I ran...I ran so far away...I couldnt get away!
16👍 51👎
The term originates from the base definition of a group, no less than 2, incoherant bigots who have nothing better to do but pester and drop feces from their mouths that only irritate everyone in the vicinity because nobody wants them around.
Another sub definition is Flock of Faggots thinks that using urban dictionary to vent their bitching monthly bleeding vaginas, is going to do a damn thing, and stupidly thinking it accomplishes anything at all besides proving that they in fact need to get out of their nesting basement.
I know 2 players in PUBG who are Acting as a Flock of Seagulls.
An idea that did not age well based on the strange 80's haircut.
My dad said that computers have come as far as they can possibly go back in 1972. What a flock of seagulls.
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