A floodgate is a Yu-Gi-Oh card with a continuous effect that restricts one or both players from performing some action.
"Slifer the sky dragon is an overlooked floodgate because You can't summon low ATK monsters when he is on the field"
Floodgating (Performing a FloodGate Attack) is a program-based attack in which the program will grab a victim's IP Address and flood it with multiple IP-based attacks. It is the compression of multiple attacks in one direct program, often guided by a website link. (The name comes from the large flood of attacks, as if opening a cyber floodgate and drowning the IP.)
Last night I hacked into this guy's account, and I saw a bunch of illegal photos. I floodgated him.
(Floodgating - to floodgate)
When needing to pee or poo but can’t hold it in any longer
Oh no the floodgates have opened