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Foolish mortal

A mortal who does something so very foolish, that he is forever deemed a "foolish mortal." The antithesis of the foolish mortal is the immortal, who is never foolish.

Immortal: Hey, you foolish mortal over there!
Mortal: ?
Immortal: Thou art the foolish of mortals!
Foolish mortal: Nooooooo....!

by Unfoolish Immortal January 3, 2008

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blame foolishness

Completely lacking forethought or caution.

An utterance used by Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Example 1:
Susan: Let's go to the cinema to watch 'P.S. I love you'.

Kevin: That's just blame foolishness

Example 2:
"You don't have to get up, mornings, and you don't have to go to school, and wash, and all that blame foolishness."

by Kevin Redrobe June 23, 2008

foolish snuckledorf

a boy/person (most likely boy) who cannot get there shit together

"hey, do you see that guy over there?"
"yeah, why?"
"we hung out last week, but he never called me back"
"it's his loss. he's clearly a foolish snuckledorf"

by lookoverthereatthatissuebox January 25, 2010

foolish ginger

A woman or man, who in their choosing decides to dye their pubic hairs red to replicate a ginger. Considered a sex fetish.

See that fire patch on that brunette? Damn, what a foolish ginger!

by FillyWonka December 22, 2020

Something foolish

Wanting to have gay anal sex with another man preferably in flip-flops

Man I really want to do something foolish

by KujoD April 17, 2022

Black Foolishness

The opposite of Black Excellence;
The act of complete and utter foolishness committed abusing black culture to be a fool.

Poster: "Looking for my lost dawg. He responds to Dawg, Jaquan, or simply just Yo. Tryna find my dawg, cuh. Five dollar reward."
Onlooker: "What is this black foolishness?"

by BiblioShrèque April 25, 2018

13👍 2👎

keep it foolish

A deliberately non-sensical parting farewell, popularised in the TV programme 'Nathan Barley'. It approximately means 'see you later' and 'don't take life too seriously'.

(at end of conversation)

Nathan Barley: ...alright then mate, keep it foolish, yeah?

Julian Barrat's character: what does that even mean?

Nathan Barley: erm...

Julian Barrat's character: Just fuck off.

by jewboy000909 March 10, 2008

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