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Tour de Franzia

A drinking game. Rules vary, but it involves inexpensive boxed wine and a tiny bicycle.

Pledge Toilet impressed the brothers with his performance in the Tour de Franzia, able to maintain his balance and coordination after a quart of Chillable Red.

by tp217 March 8, 2021

le tour de franzia

Le Tour de Franzia is a drinking game in which the point is to consume a 5L box of wine as fast as possible. Usually requiring a team. Each team gets a color corresponding to their varietal of choice.

Dude I thought I was Lance Drinkstrong last night and did le Tour de Franzia by myself.

How long did you puke afterwards.

2 hours

by Rapcallion 1 RVA September 4, 2006

131👍 38👎

franzia cough

The hoarse cough the morning after ingesting high amounts of cheap, boxed wine, typically popular at universities in the northeastern United States.

Guy 1: *cough cough cough*
Guy 2: Hey man, you alright? That Sunset Blush was pretty good last night
Guy 2: Nah man, I've got franzia cough, never wanna drink that stuff again

by hardcoded December 1, 2017