Something that was fancy in the 90s and still considered high end by older generations.
1. Canlis is an ok restaurant, but it's hella Frasier Fancy.
2. Jenny's dad's house is awesome but could use some major updates. His furniture is super Frasier Fancy.
Known for sounding like a nasal 7-year-old.
Lainie Frasier is such a bad actress.
A thief who often barges into the houses of tourists with the intent to seduce said tourist and steal from during the intrusion. An uninvited prostitute who takes her pay out of your belongings. Often a young woman between the age of 18 and 30.
Alternatively a Frasier can be a woman who barges in and pretends to own the place. Many times at condos or other multi-owner establishments. Comes in and gets whatever she left (Nothing) and takes as much of whatever she can find.
A Frasier got me last night at my condo. Barged right in and pretended to own the place. I was confused, but when that Frasier left, my mom's entire jewelry box had been picked through.
You don’t want to poop yourself.
I need to get to a bathroom i don’t wanna pull a frasier