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Dirty fruity pebble

Duck sticking its feathers into sticky fruity pebbles and then giving a 3 women head inside of a porta potty. then the women start moaning and calling out for the other ducks to fuck.

OHHHHHHH... come here Dirty Fruity Pebbles!!!


Fruity Pebbled Shit

When you eat to much of one color, Tf do you expect idiot your fruit gonna come out like a cereal brand ๐Ÿคก

Fruity Pebbled Shit: Colorful Shit

by LovelyColorfulShit November 3, 2019

Mexican Fruity Pebbles

When a male gags himself until he vomits into a females gapping ass then they both continue to drink it out with silly straws

"So how'd your date with Drew go?!"
"It was amazing he gave me a bowl of Mexican fruity pebbles!"

by Tyrone the negro donkey February 2, 2017

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Fruity Pebble Punk Rock

1. Going dumb to the extreme or going dumber than your average.
2. Song by Teamknoc

I was going fruity pebble punk rock at the function.
I don't do the thizzle dance, I go fruity pebble punk rock.

by Sean Casserly August 22, 2008

Fruity pebble ass hoes

Females who love to start drama/ beef are considered to be fruity pebble hoes

You girls are some fruity pebble ass hoes.
This girl keeps mugging me she a fruity pebble ass hoe.

by Princess_1k__ August 21, 2019

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you love fruity pebbles

when you say "you love friuty pebbles" it means you are gay because some people call gay people fruity.

"you love fruity pebbles" John said

by Rollergirl 2012 April 28, 2011

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Fruity Pebbles on her chest

When you piss on a girls chest and kidney stones come out at the same time

Yo bro how are things with Judy going

She put a restraining order on me after I spilled some โ€œFruity pebbles on her chestโ€

Iโ€™m dating your mom

by Jaquarious March 18, 2022