Another way to say you wanna to remain just friends but still get dirty under the sheets. Another way to say friend with benefits.
He is in a gbas gbos relationship with Daniella
1👍 8👎
It is a Nigerian slang that entails an active verbal dispute between two individuals.
More like a verbal "give and take".
This is an example of the Gbas Gbos showing them used separately:
Gbas - Person 1: When they beat your head, it sounds hollow
Gbos - Person 2: You just open your mouth "waaaa" meaning the other individual doesn't think before talking
An online course for the Canadian Armed Forces required to go on any deployment.
LGBT acceptance, 2 sexes, 89 genders, etc.
A course where 1 person in the platoon figures out the answers and gives them to his/her platoon mates.
"Dude, did you have to do the GBA+ course?"
"Yeah man, I laughed the whole way through it"
God-Bothering Arsehole
Those Brethren and JWs are just different types of GBAs