Source Code

Geh syndrome

What you call people who are GeH

WhY aRe YoU GeH.?_!?! Do U HaVe Geh syndrome Or sOmTinK!

by Vikkstar123HD December 6, 2019

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When a bow is punched then released sharply.

Sup hommie, I'm from the geh-oh

by Rob McLean April 1, 2005

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geh tren zikh

Yiddish phrase that means "go fuck yourself!"

'kh hob nischt kehn koyekh. Geh tren zikh, putz!

by pentozali August 28, 2006

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Ur mum geh

A backup plan to an insult you forget.

Ex: β€œhey punk!” (Oh shid what’s that one insult?!) β€œ h..hey punk... uh.. Ur mum geh!”

Kid in response: β€œOh what an iNsUlT! Come talk to me when you can think of something creative you poorly packaged bag of horse shet!”

by Horse shit consumer March 22, 2021

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eee foy geh

n. A sort of celebration that involves swaying of head.

I got an A on my report card, eee foy geh.

by Tim Dickit May 24, 2003

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Wai Yu Geh

A Chinese gay conversion therapist

Wai Yu Geh has a proven record of getting 21 boys straight again.

by Frederick Yeo November 14, 2023


Nonsense word , jibberish coined by a bunch of ghetto fabulous Phoenix chicks, used interchangeably with an extrordinary amount of other phrases.

Rel walked into the room and said "Geh-goo Kash, your mom's baby is so cute. Can I hold her geh-goo ? " Anni kept talking geh-goo geh-goo.

by A-team Rules! May 25, 2007