A mecha anime created by mangaka Go Nagai. It became an anime in April 4, 1974. Getter Robo is piloted by originaly by three young men: Ryoma Nagare(Getter 1), Hayato Jin(Getter 2), and Musashi Tomoe(Getter 2). There are many other sequels such as "Getter Robo G", "Getter Robo Go", "Shin(New) Getter Robo", "Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo". It has also appeared in the big screens. There are few movies where robots from other series appear, such as Grendizer and Great Mazinger. This series has also appeared in the "Super Robot Taisen" or "Super Robot Wars" series. Appearing in nearly most of the games. The reason they do not appear in all the game is because of the original-only games such as "Super Robot Taisen Original Generation" which only featured mechas created by Banpresto. Getter Robo also has a game of its own, called "Getter Robo Daikessen" for PSX.
Getter Robo is one of the best robots ever!!!
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1. To get the job done without procrastination
2. To get something completed immediately
Get off your butt and Getter Done.
We have to paint this room before dinner so let's Getter Done.
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A person who works hard and goes after whatever it is they want by any means necessary. Even working 90hr weeks.
Look at Kay's come up, that girl is a real go getter!
A compact, sub-compact or mid-sized coupe, sedan, hatchback or station wagon with a generous amount of trunk/hatch space and a back seat that usually folds down, powered by an unimpressive yet reliable and reasonably economical 4 cylinder engine. The idea is that such a vehicle is uninspiring to drive, but the trunk space at least makes it good for getting groceries.
Generally speaking, a bigger (ie; V6) engine or an engine that is turbo- or supercharged, along with bigger sway bars and stiffer suspension, are necessary turn a grocery getter into either a sports sedan or a sports coupe. Without these upgrades, a sporty-looking compact or sub-compact coupe is considered just a grocery getter.
"Dude, I know you like your car, but why are you talkin' up a grocery getter?"
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A car primarily used for transporting groceries, as the name implies. It can also be used to refer to a car used for A-B transport only.
My daily car's nothing special - it's a bone stock grocery getter.
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A ball getter is someone who dog water at four square and always has to get the ball when it gets out of the square they are also a ball π getter
1: Bro youβre such a ball getter
2: such a good ball getter ahhhh
A driven busy gal who strives to achieve her goals in life while attaining a beautiful glow both inside & out.
Look at her, she's definitely a glow-getter!