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The shittiest city with the worst kids in Arizona

"Hey did you hear about that trash city in Arizona"
"What? Gilbert?"

by gratyuble June 8, 2014

26👍 30👎


The gayest nigga of them all, parents don’t love them, real shit named Gilbert.

There are real niggas in this world named Gilbert

by Digbick282828 May 30, 2018

16👍 18👎


Thinks he is a ladies man.. reality says he cock blocks like a defensive lineman and is always missing when its his round.. classic south african.
jealous when anyone he knows (apart from him) talks to a girl.

Lad 1: Yo man what happened to you and that girl you were talking to.
Lad 2: Oh man i was on the tune, waiting for the next blokes round, he comes back, no beers and steals the girl.
Lad 1: man thats classic gilbert antics.
Lad 2: Ain't that the truth.

by aaron previte October 21, 2011

62👍 86👎


Double booking yourself - especially with regards to social events and boozing - taken from that Gilbert Grape film

Mate A: Where's Fred, he said he'd be here
Mate B: Really, he told me he's staying in with the misses
Mate A: Why is he always doing a Gilbert?

by SilverHornet June 22, 2010

56👍 84👎


A small town in Northern Minnesota where its pretty straight up gangsta.

So where u live?
In Gilbert.

by Silvercougar April 29, 2009

89👍 144👎


The Gayest nigga of them all.

Fuck, that nigga is a Gilbert “

by Anti Gilbert Society May 30, 2018

16👍 20👎


A Gilbert is a person that likes someone who doesn’t like them back and does everything for the girl (or guy) but doesn’t see that they aren’t interested in him. Even though someone how had been nice to him and is always there for him likes him but he’s just too blind to see it. Gilbert’s are really nice and caring even to those that aren’t nice to them. They always like to see the good in people and never judge them.
There’s people who think Gilberts are weird (especially because or his name) but, there are some that like them.

Girl 1: My guy best friend is Gilbert I really like him but he doesn’t realize it. He likes girl 3.
Girl 2: Eww Gilbert is really weird why do you like him
Girl 1: You have to get to know him
Girl 3: Ughhh Gilbert likes me, he weird and I’ve told him that many times
Girl 1: I wish he’d like me instead

by October 17, 2022