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a robloxian food, sometimes a sandwich

"I would love to eat guate for dinner at the bloxy table!"

-Quote by Chikeneater729

by Chikeneater729 November 11, 2024


A Roblox game referring to a robloxian sandwich

"Wanna eat some guate?"

by Chikeneater7298 November 15, 2024


Guatting - {Gwa-ti-ng} (Verb)

Relaxing, stationary, smug often while strumming on a cheap guitar.

Typically used to describe a worldly individual whom has recently returned from travels in Guatemala

See also: Guattemulling {Gwa-te-mul-ng}

The weary traveler, after some time spent 'guatting' can often be found guattemulling around, often strumming his/her cheap guitar.

Bernie could often be found 'Guatting' in Mexico.

by Dpulsifer February 26, 2013


n. Repeated exhausting sexual acts involving a Mayan or, in a pinch, any Central American.


Okay team. Any of you men with some strength left after another ten sprints are going to give me five guat-thrusts if you want to make the Canadian Junior hockey team.

You don't look Mayan.

Quiet Fleury.

by gnostic3 July 5, 2023


Excessive nose hair, specifically on Ethan Dejeu


by Tjjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtj August 4, 2023


a robloxian food, mostly sandwiches

"I would love to eat guat for dinner on the bloxy table!"

-Quote by Chikeneater729

by Chikeneater729 November 11, 2024


What was initially conceived as a simple communication containing the misspelling of the expression "gyatt" - a slang term that denotes a strong emotional reaction to the sight of a voluptuous person, especially one with a large posterior, - inadvertently sparked a radical transformation of the socio-political order of our contemporary human society, necessitating a complete reconstruction of the fundamental principles and values that govern our existence, after an extensive process of natural selection and adaptation that spanned over millions of years of evolutionary history.

d: Guat

m: what?

d: gyatt* my autocorrect

m: jesus came and filled me up with pure holy white happiness, as he and god are figures of true lights, according to alcohol anonymous.

by poorassjack December 16, 2023