a robloxian food, sometimes a sandwich
"I would love to eat guate for dinner at the bloxy table!"
-Quote by Chikeneater729
Guatting - {Gwa-ti-ng} (Verb)
Relaxing, stationary, smug often while strumming on a cheap guitar.
Typically used to describe a worldly individual whom has recently returned from travels in Guatemala
See also: Guattemulling {Gwa-te-mul-ng}
The weary traveler, after some time spent 'guatting' can often be found guattemulling around, often strumming his/her cheap guitar.
Bernie could often be found 'Guatting' in Mexico.
n. Repeated exhausting sexual acts involving a Mayan or, in a pinch, any Central American.
Okay team. Any of you men with some strength left after another ten sprints are going to give me five guat-thrusts if you want to make the Canadian Junior hockey team.
You don't look Mayan.
Quiet Fleury.
Excessive nose hair, specifically on Ethan Dejeu
a robloxian food, mostly sandwiches
"I would love to eat guat for dinner on the bloxy table!"
-Quote by Chikeneater729
What was initially conceived as a simple communication containing the misspelling of the expression "gyatt" - a slang term that denotes a strong emotional reaction to the sight of a voluptuous person, especially one with a large posterior, - inadvertently sparked a radical transformation of the socio-political order of our contemporary human society, necessitating a complete reconstruction of the fundamental principles and values that govern our existence, after an extensive process of natural selection and adaptation that spanned over millions of years of evolutionary history.
d: Guat
m: what?
d: gyatt* my autocorrect
m: jesus came and filled me up with pure holy white happiness, as he and god are figures of true lights, according to alcohol anonymous.