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habbo hotel

A community plagued with false identities, and incompetent moderators. You get to mix with the socially inept, and the stereotypical looks, to the unusual attitudes and the Habbo proclaimed legends, the Habbo Staff, who are loved because of their unique shiny badge. But the most indecent act, their scheming efforts to drag money out of pre adolescent teenagers, who incidentally, find it hard to obtain weekly cash as it is. Sometimes, you even get judged by your look off some prejudice room owner, offering a wild party.

But why do I visit? It’s something I enjoyed doing, until I realized I was idiotic enough to give my money, which I earned off the company I work for, and fund it back into Habbo Ltd. However, it does offer a exclusive chatting experience. Weather it’s to send malicious threats through the blue question marks, or to insult the Ineffectual moderators with random, childish insults, it does get disturbingly addictive.

However, Habbo is probably the most established chatting website on the net. It gives you the chance to interact with other people around the world. Indeed you get the self proclaimed pessimists, such as myself, who dislike the habbo staff because of their money making schemes and antics. But it still manages to attract over 5,000 visitors on certain hours, and has over 5 different hotels running in different countries. That though, is an achievement.


But if you join the Habbo Club you'll have better clothes and furniture for your rooms!

They are pulling you in.

by larc September 7, 2004

84πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Habbo Hotel

Habbo Hotel is a chatting site designed around the idea that you (your avatar) is staying in a large hotel that contains various rooms you can visit to open up many new experiences. If this game was like it was during the 2002 - 2007 time period, it could be considered a pretty solid way to spend your free time. However, times have changed and the game and community have done nothing but become worse. I'll explain both.

The game - Simply put, there is not much to do in it anymore. Scams are uncommon but do exist. The amount of user hosted games are very limited and can get boring quickly. Habbo Hotel used to have their own games like SnowStorm and Battle Ball, but were removed. Habbo has cut ALOT of the free content and instead gated majority of the content behind a price tag. There used to be TONS of free interactive public spaces and games. As the years progressed Habbo Hotel began to milk it's community for every nickle and dime possible. 0% of Habbo Hotel can be put under one of the following catagories. The Roleplayer Veteran in training, The veteran and The Pedo
- The veteran in training: Ages of 9 - 14. They have begged their parents for coins in order to join the HabboClub. (HabboClub is a subscription to unlock extra benefits) If you don't pay for the HabboClub you will be reminded of how much of a gay loser you are by the veteran in training. (Ex: Johnnyboy12: Haha loser! ur p00r.

- The Roleplayer - Age varies. Mainly used as a way a to fill some void in their lives. Might roleplay has a baby or a badass mob member!
(Ex: Raihnbowzxcupcake: Can sum1 pwease adwopt meh? xD
(Ex: MJ44: I'm a foot solider for Jeff22's army bro!!! Better back up!!!

The horny kids/pedos - Ages Varies. An NBC reporter made an account once and within an hour was sexually harassed.

The veteran - Generally ages 17+. A person who has been on Habbo for over 5 years. Since this games population has dwindled down, veterans are the most common. Many of them lack an identity and self importance in real life, and often times will shun or insult new users to delude themselves further. They proudly display their badges of being a member for x amount of days or badges that are from 02-04.
(Ex:Bathub: Lmao, go away with your shit username
(Ex: Jdog52: ..What?

If these kinds of people don't sound pleasant to you aside from our classic troll then you aren't wrong. The community is garbage. As listed, you got your dorky kids and sex predators. Your habbo addicts that have lost touch with reality and your always charming manchildren. But hey you might get lucky and meet some normal people in Habbo Hotel. Good luck with that.

by J0nSantana January 1, 2016

habbo hotel

Habbo Hotel is just some fucked up little pixelated world. I can't see why people play it. You have to pay money for shitty little pixelated furniture and accessories. This is the place where all those little 9 year old horny bithes go to get some virtual boyfriend/girlfriend.

See also: junkie, slang, pedafile, dick head, apocalypse

dick_head1: Will u go out wif me???

dick_head2: yh sure. lets hav sex now.

dick_head1: get lost. ur dumped!

dick_head2: u broke my hart u bitch!!!


dick_head3: wanna buy sum cheats?

dick_head4: ummmm!!!! i'm tellin of u and ur gonna get banned from goin on habbo hotel 4eva!!!

by JP Pizzle November 6, 2006

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

habbo hotel

Absolutely the worst festering pile of shit on the internet. Inhabited soley by 12 year old chavs, pseudo-gangsters and 46-year-old child molesters. If you value your sanity and don't want to lose all faith in the worth of the internet, do not go here.

"Furni" is the most rediculous word on the internet.

by omgwtfbbqlolz July 6, 2005

87πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

habbo hotel

It is one of the most boring fucking games that you can get addicted to. Sadly I did.

Example, I got addicted and spent over $100 dollars then told a hobba to go ram a lam for asking me to come to his room, little bell shag, and he banned me for "ever" so I wrote a lovely letter in telling them all to shove it you sad excuses for 18+ yr olds, grow some pubes and stop playing with little kids.

by Habbo=WasteOfMoney January 3, 2005

101πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

habbo hotel

An orange building with an incredebly large amount of rooms inside which include beauty contest, races, mafias, rare trade rooms, and gay bars. Although there is over 7000 people in the hotel usually, there are 2 cars in the parking lot.

Offer me 8 hc sofas for my throne!

by Anonymous November 2, 2003

1131πŸ‘ 472πŸ‘Ž

habbo hotel

One of the many signs of the apocolypse; Satan's sick and twisted idea of "fun" for people to chat on the internet. Rips you off of your money, doesn't refund if you're hacked and is full of British retards who call each other "fit" and say "lolz". A cult.

Cuntwad - Dude, wanna go on HABBOZZZZ?!?!?
Mike - HELL NAWWWW. Habbo sucks to the max!

by Steph March 25, 2005

119πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž