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harrisburg illinois

The classic Harrisburg look: walking briskly down the sidewalk shirtless, with your dirty t-shirt tossed over the shoulder, ripping a cig, and talking on the phone

Harrisburg Illinois is filled with trashy dudes ripping a cig by the courthouse

by Wallegator June 27, 2018

Harrisburg, Ar

A town south of Jonesboro where everyone’s a little crazy, but somehow we all get along. A million times better than that Shit hole of Cross County.

Damn Harrisburg, Ar is on some shit.

by Wowizertimestwo March 26, 2019

Harrisburg, PA

A city bunch of wanna bes pretending like we're some kind of bad ass city. Our city is small, all the streets are confusing and go in a circle, yet white people always lock their car doors as soon as they hit the city. Maybe because they know that they are going to end up going in circles and some "thugs" may see them twice and try to rob them, or maybe its because they think that's something to do in every city. The "thugs" of the area would get their cute asses kicked by thugs of a REAL city. The only thing "big" about the city is the area surronding it.

"Thug": "Yo, let's go get some pussy in da burg(Harrisburg, PA)!"
Random "Passer-by: You are retarded."

by chrispykrem December 14, 2010

22πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Harrisburg Hot Pocket

Similar to an Alabama Hot Pocket, a Harrisburg Hot Pocket involves a man (or woman with strap-on) to poop into a woman's vagina WHILE she is currently on her period -- then they proceed to have vaginal intercourse.

Lisa: "I got my period today and I'm horny..."
Chris: "I just took a Viagra and ate 50 wings, time for a Harrisburg Hot Pocket!"

"I can't wait until Amy is on the rag so I can give her a Harrisburg Hot Pocket."
"Rich follows women around at the store who are buying tampons to ask if they want a Harrisburg Hot Pocket, he's such a sicko!"

by Why Havent I Been Adopted Yet September 6, 2013

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Penn State Harrisburg

Penn State Harrisburg (aka Capital College) is located in the most boring part of Pennsylvannia, which is one of the most boring states. There is nothing to do. Students try to "party," which is admirable, but their parties either suck or get bopped. Don't forget PSH is also a DRY campus! Yay! Hahaha this place absolutely sucks and anyone considering this school shouldn't even think twice- Go somewhere else!

"Hey, where do you go to school now?"
Penn State!
"Oh wow that sounds-"
Penn State Harrisburg


"How is it?"

by fbgm4evs February 8, 2011

79πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Harrisburg hampster tube

The act of insterting an empty paper towel role, cardboard tube, etc. into ones anus, preferably male, and then placing a hampster into the tube. The hampster will then precede to crall into his anal cavity. this is extremely gay yet enjoyable. this actually happened to the newschannel 34 guy

john: did u hear what the newschannel 34 guy did?
pete: no
john: he did a harrisburg hampster tube
pete: wow what a fag..but i bet it felt good

by a white racist-dom f May 22, 2011

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Jason Young from Harrisburg

Jason Young is a fag that stole Bam`s heartagram from his Mercedes, he aslo stole cd`s from the car. Bam has it on tape, but the lazy police dont wanna go to Harrisburg to arrest him.

Did Jason Young from Harrisburg stole Bams hearagram?
- Yes.

by FuckingRandomHero March 21, 2010

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž