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Game Head

Gamehead: To get head from your partener while playing your favorite video game.

Dude I beat Guitar Hero 3 on Expert while geting Game Head from my girl.

by Justin Gillum December 3, 2007

19👍 16👎

game head

Main Entry: game head
Pronunciation: 'gAm'hed
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hed, from Old English hEafod; akin to Old High German houbit head, Latin caput; Modern Culture road head, to work the clutch.
1) The act of oral sex when preformed on one playing video games. Rare in occurrence, game head is the misguided dream of gamers everywhere. There are two scientifically proven explanations for game head: a) the bitch is hella rank-ass, and/or, 2) the gamer is ridiculously good looking and his girl is dickmatized. While a third theory has been suggested, experimental evidence is at best circumstantial.

SYNONYM Aerobore

RoflFactor Lolshire1337 (Damn Straight)

"Comm, drop big gun pleez!... Commander!? Drop me a weapon!... Commander, are you there?"

"Okay, we attack in five. Nubtacular901, make sure you get our point. Alright, go go go go." (Death ensues)

Gamer "...But baby, I really want it."
Dirty Skank "No, I'm not doing that-- all you do is sit at your computer, you never shower"
Gamer "Babe, I love you, come on. Just a little game head."
Dirty Skank "Fine. If it'll quit your bitching"

by Roflwood Prior December 23, 2006

21👍 20👎

Head Games

hed-geym Repeated childish and petty games played by a self loathing, miserable, piddly-ass bitch supervisor named Christina in an attempt at psychological one-upmanship, often employing passive–aggressive behavior in continuously failed attempts to demoralize or dis-empower the thinking subject while hoping to make the aggressor look superior. Often resorted to as a last ditch effort when subordinates fail to stoop to the same level. Many times these actions are performed by pathetic, emotional quadriplegics against intellectual Jedi’s. Usually the aggressor suffers from undiagnosed psychological problems accompanied by one of more physical rheumatology issues such as MS, where the body attacks itself in part due to the aggressors internal ugliness working itself outward.

See also: Abuse of Power, Desire to Control, Gaslighting, and Cunt Manager

She’s joining the meeting by phone because Christina’s playing her head games again.

by The Intellectual Jedi July 25, 2024